I didn't get a chance to post last Monday, so I have a couple of weeks' worth of books to share with you.
Click on the titles for more information.
This one just arrived today and I'm so excited!! I've corresponded with Cody on and off since reading the first in this series (Shadow Man) and was thrilled to receive an unsolicited ARC from his publicist. And what perfect timing. I finished my current read today during lunch and will start in on Abandoned tonight. Thanks, Cody!
I've only read the first in this series, but hope to get to the rest later this fall. I snagged this ARC at work in hopes that it will motivate me to get back to Quebec and Chief Inspector Gamache.
Another ARC from work. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the audio version of Julie & Julia a few years ago, but I decided not to reread it for a recent book club meeting. However, a bunch of us went to see the movie and I loved, loved, loved it! That will definitely be a dvd I buy as soon as it's released. Nora Ephron rocks! But back to this new release. How could I resist a culinary memoir? Even one with a focus on butchery. Hmmm. Could be interesting.
This arrived last week from my mom. It sounds like an exceptional novel, and yet one that could possibly be quite difficult to read. The first sentence reads: When I was thirteen, my father killed my mother.

Another one from my mom. I've read a few of Shreve's novels, but none have impressed me as much as Fortune's Rocks
Mailbox Monday is the place for bloggers to share the books that arrived in their homes last week. For more Mailbox Monday posts, visit Marcia at The Printed Page.