September 26, 2024

Bow River Campground - Day Two

Disclaimer: I am finally posting about our trip to Canada, while we are currently on a trip to Wyoming. Many of these photos were shared on Instagram & Facebook, so they may look familiar to you. Sorry for any confusion!

Canada Road Trip (Summer 2023)
June 9-10, 2023
Black Diamond to Canmore, Alberta, Canada
Daily Mileage: 121
Site: 10
Duration: 2 nights
Cost: $56/night
Weather: Sunny & Rainy (70s)
Cell Coverage: 1-2 bars Verizon & 1 bar TMobile

Day Two

I enjoyed my morning coffee and walk, keeping an eye out for wildlife across the river. The campground was very peaceful with lots of birds singing and the sounds of campers cooking breakfast or sitting around their campfires, sipping coffee. The sun was shining and the sky wasn't as hazy as the previous day. The only wildlife of note was a small herd of mule deer across the river. Still no bears or moose. 

While Rod worked on his manuscript, I joined Lou & Shannon for a trip into Canmore (10 minutes from the campground). We wandered around town, poking in and out of the shops before stopping to get lunch at Grizzly Paw Brewing Company. Canmore is a vibrant, walkable town with great views of the surrounding mountains. I loved spending time there, eager to return with Rod.

On my walk

Mule deer

Three Sisters

Spacious campsites

Bighorn Nut Brown

Excellent fish & chips!

Three Sisters

A very unique and attractive campsite marker!

September 25, 2024

Bow River Campground - Day One

Disclaimer: I am finally posting about our trip to Canada, while we are currently on a trip to Wyoming. Many of these photos were shared on Instagram & Facebook, so they may look familiar to you. Sorry for any confusion!

Canada Road Trip (Summer 2023)
June 9-10, 2023
Black Diamond to Canmore, Alberta, Canada
Daily Mileage: 121
Site: 10 (try for #27 next time!)
Duration: 2 nights
Cost: $56/night
Weather: Sunny & Rainy (70s)
Cell Coverage: 1-2 bars Verizon & 1 bar TMobile

Day One

The drive from Black Diamond to Bow River Campground was easy and uneventful. No wind! We took a side trip to Kananaskis Village and had a decent pizza for lunch at Forte (at the Marriott). We took a short walk to a viewpoint, but left shortly after we learned that there was a grizzly bear nearby. I was hoping to see a bear, but not a grizzly wandering around the village!

The campground was pretty with trees and shrubs between sites, providing a lot of privacy. We couldn't see the river from our campsite, but there were a few empty spots where I could walk and sit, watching the deer on the other side of the river. Still no bears or moose. 

The sky was hazy, but the mountains were still visible and stunning.

Kananaskis Village

Three Sisters

Bow River

Great site to aim for next time!

September 22, 2024

Billy Summers


Billy Summers by Stephen King
Finished on September 20, 2024
Rating: 5/5 (Outstanding)

Publisher's Blurb:

Billy Summers is a man in a room with a gun. He’s a killer for hire and the best in the business. But he’ll do the job only if the target is a truly bad guy. And now Billy wants out. But first there is one last hit. Billy is among the best snipers in the world, a decorated Iraq war vet, a Houdini when it comes to vanishing after the job is done. So what could possibly go wrong?

How about everything...

This spectacularly riveting novel is part war story, part love letter to small-town America and the people who live there, and it features one of the most compelling and surprising duos in King fiction, who set out to avenge the crimes of an extraordinarily evil man. Billy Summers is about love, luck, fate, and a complex hero with one last shot at redemption.

You won’t put this story down, and you won’t forget Billy.

Just wow. What can I say? This is Stephen King at his finest. (And I've probably said that about every book of his that I've read in the past decade or two.) I’ve had this book on my shelf for a long time and while I’m sorry that it took me so long to finally get to it, I’m glad I had it to read on our road trip to the Tetons. I couldn’t put it down, and it was perfect for nighttime reading.

What did I love about it? For starters, Stephen King is known to begin his novels in medias res, dropping readers into the middle of the action. I can count on King to feed me one or two opening paragraphs that automatically have me scrambling to find out what's going on. 

I’m a big fan of stories within stories, and Billy Summers has one of the best I’ve ever read. Not one for recent war stories, this secondary story surprised me; I couldn’t stop reading about Billy’s experiences in Fallujah.* Every time King reverted to the present, I found myself eager to return to Billy’s book. And, as Billy considers his writing and subject matter, the reader is privy to the writing process, which King is a pro at conveying. 

So, there’s the story within a story, the war in Iraq, the writing process, and yes, a love interest of sorts. With each introduction of new characters, King draws you in further, making you feel as if you’re a part of the narrative, anxious for what lies ahead.

I also liked that this novel is unlike so many of King's earlier works, devoid of all but a minor glimpse of the supernatural. It also includes nods to his previous books, which is fun and rewarding to long-time fans.

Billy is an interesting character, posing as a somewhat dumb ex-Marine to those who have hired him to perform hits on various "bad guys." His childhood is filled with pain and trauma, and he enlists before his 18th birthday, but he is far from dumb. Juggling various personas takes a lot of mental acuity, and Billy excels in his line of work.

At over 500 pages, I didn’t want the book to end. And speaking of endings, what an astonishing finale. Makes me want to start from the beginning and read it again. It reminds me of another great novel with a likeable hero (by Dean Koontz), but to share the comparison would reveal a possible spoiler.

Bravo! Masterful storytelling. Highly recommend.

If interested, click here to read an interview with King in Esquire. (There are spoilers.)

*Note to self: Add No True Glory by Bing West to my TBR list.

September 21, 2024

20 Books of Summer Reading Challenge Results - 2024


The 20 Books of Summer Reading Challenge is one of my favorite reading challenges, and this is the fifth year that I've participated. I prefer to wait until the fall equinox (September 22nd) rather than Labor Day to finish up the challenge, giving myself three extra weeks to complete my goals.

Once again, I chose 20 books, but unlike previous years, many were fairly new releases rather than backlist titles that have been on my shelves for several years. I only had a couple of DNF'd titles in this collection, but I subbed in a whopping 12, so I didn't make a very big dent in my stacks. All in all, I wound up reading 18 books (see image below), and I'm very pleased with my results.

I won't link to each review (they're all available on this blog), but here are the final ratings:

Two 5-star books
Four 4.5-star books
Six 4-star books
One 3.5-star book
Three 3-star books
Two 2-star books

Below is an image of my original picks. Look how many are left to read! Maybe I'll make up my fall reading list with the remaining books.

For past posts (and results) about this challenge, click here. 

September 20, 2024

Hard Knox Brewery

Disclaimer: I am finally posting about our trip to Canada, while we are currently on a trip to Wyoming. Many of these photos were shared on Instagram & Facebook, so they may look familiar to you. Sorry for any confusion!

Canada Road Trip (Summer 2023)
June 8, 2023
Waterton National Park to Black Diamond, Alberta, Canada
Daily Mileage: 130
Site: Parking Lot
Duration: 1 night
Cost: Free (Harvest Host)
Weather: Sunny (80s)
Cell Coverage: 3 bars Verizon & TMobile

The drive north from Waterton was beautiful, but very windy, so we were happy to make it to the brewery and relax with our travel buddies, and one of my blogging friends and her husband (Susan Wright and Robert Mahood). Black Diamond (since renamed Diamond Valley) is a small town about an hour from Calgary. We enjoyed the brewery, and tried poutine for the first time. Delicious!

Our "site" was at the edge of the brewery parking lot, but the road noise wasn't terrible. We'd probably return if we were in the area.

Blogging friend, Susan (The Cue Card)

September 18, 2024

Waterton National Park, Day Four

Disclaimer: I am finally posting about our trip to Canada, while we are currently on a trip to Wyoming. Many of these photos were shared on Instagram & Facebook, so they may look familiar to you. Sorry for any confusion!

Canada Road Trip (Summer 2023)
June 4-7, 2023
Columbia Falls, Montana to Waterton National Park, Alberta, Canada
Daily Mileage: 181
Site: A49
Duration: 4 nights
Cost: $35
Weather: Sunny (80s)
Cell Coverage: 3-4 bars Verizon & TMobile

Day Four

Our final day in Waterton was filled with a couple of outings. After breakfast, Rod and I walked over to Cameron Falls, and then joined Lou & Shannon for a drive out to Cameron Lake, which was about 30 minutes from the campground. The drive was pretty, and we spotted a small herd of Bighorn sheep, but no bears. The lake was stunningly beautiful, especially with the mountains and clouds reflecting off the water. It would be a great spot to go back to and rent canoes or kayaks. 

From Cameron Lake, we drove back toward Waterton and out to Red Rock Canyon (11 miles from the campground). We were hoping to go for a hike, but the trails were under construction, so we decided to go back to the Prince of Wales for drinks before dinner. 

Bighorn Sheep

Cameron Lake - Most beautiful lake... so far. 
It was pretty hot, but nonetheless, a gorgeous day.

Looks like fun!


This was a great place to spend four days. We hope to return someday!