October 29, 2021

Looking Back - Amy & Isabelle

Looking Back... In an effort to transfer my book journal entries over to this blog, I'm going to attempt to post (in chronological order) an entry every Friday. I may or may not add extra commentary to what I jotted down in these journals.

1998 Random House
Read in October 2000
Rating: 3/5 (Good)

Publisher's Blurb:

Pulitzer Prize winning author Elizabeth Strout’s bestselling and award winning debut, Amy and Isabelle—adapted for television by Oprah Winfrey— evokes a teenager's alienation from her distant mother—and a parent's rage at the discovery of her daughter's sexual secrets.

In most ways, Isabelle and Amy are like any mother and her 16-year-old daughter, a fierce mix of love and loathing exchanged in their every glance. That they eat, sleep, and work side by side in the gossip-ridden mill town of Shirley Falls—a location fans of Strout will recognize from her critically acclaimed novel, The Burgess Boys—only increases the tension. And just when it appears things can't get any worse, Amy's sexuality begins to unfold, causing a vast and icy rift between mother and daughter that will remain unbridgeable unless Isabelle examines her own secretive and shameful past.

My Original Thoughts (2000):

Not bad, but not great. Mother-daughter story. Daughter gets involved with one of her teachers and her mother finds out. Somewhat depressing. Fairly predictable, too, yet it held my attention.

My Current Thoughts:

I remember a little bit about this novel, but no longer own a copy and probably wouldn't read it a second time, based on my average rating. I've read two other books by Strout (Olive Kitteridge and My Name is Lucy Barton ) and tried to read The Burgess Boys, but couldn't get interested. Strout has quite a following, but other than Olive Kitteridge (which I loved), I haven't been too impressed. With that said, I am looking forward to reading Olive, Again and I'll give Oh William! a try.


  1. i just recommended this to my book group as it's the only Stout book I haven't read yet. Olive, Again was a favorite (audio). Did you see the Olive Kitteridge miniseries? I loved it.

    1. Diane, I'm glad to hear that Olive, Again is good on audio. I have the print edition in my stacks, but if it's worthy of a re-read, I'll try the audio. I did see the miniseries and loved it, as well. I wonder if there will be a sequel with Frances McDormand? I hope so!

  2. I’d not heard of this one but I did enjoy Olive Kitteridge , the RV show was good too.

    1. Tina, I enjoyed Frances McDormand in Nomadland, too! The book was better, however.

  3. I really liked Oh, William, and I'm also intrigued by Olive Kitteridge.

    1. Jenclair, I've heard lots of positive remarks about Oh William! and look forward to reading it sometime in 2022.

  4. I'm trying to remember if I've read this one. Maybe. Sounds quite familiar. Think we read it with an online group?

    1. Kay, we might have read it for one of our online groups since this I read it in 2000. Maybe On the Porch Swing? I can't remember the name of the other Yahoo group I belonged to.

  5. Amy and Isabelle, Strout's debut, was the first "free' book I ever received from a publisher and I still remember how exciting that was. I read it twice, once right away and again later for book club. Since then, I've loved everything Strout has written.

    1. JoAnn, how cool that you remember your first "free" book from a publisher! I assume you still have your copy? I remember how thrilling it was to start receiving ARCs back in the day. I rarely get them now, but I see over a dozen on my TBR shelves, so I'm not complaining.

    2. Les - Unfortunately, I no longer have my copy. When we sold our house in NY, I got rid of way too many books! It seems like there are at least a couple I regret every week :(

    3. I got rid of a lot of books when we moved, too! I guess you could always listen to it on audio, if you decide to read it third time. I always say that's what I'm going to do, but then all the new audios win me over. ;)

  6. If I remember correctly I liked Amy & Isabell but I wasn't wowed. Now, Olive Kitteridge is a whole other story. I loved it. I haven't gotten around to her the sequel but looking forward to it.

    1. Iliana, I agree with you about Olive Kitteridge. What a character! I can't wait to read the sequel. Soon!


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