December 23, 2024

The Swimmers


The Swimmers by Julie Otsuka
Finished on December 20, 2024
Rating: 4/5 (Very Good)

Publisher's Blurb:

The swimmers are unknown to one another except through their private routines (slow lane, medium lane, fast lane) and the solace each takes in their morning or afternoon laps. But when a crack appears at the bottom of the pool, they are cast out into an unforgiving world without comfort or relief.

One of these swimmers is Alice, who is slowly losing her memory. For Alice, the pool was a final stand against the darkness of her encroaching dementia. Without the fellowship of other swimmers and the routine of her daily laps she is plunged into dislocation and chaos, swept into memories of her childhood and the Japanese American incarceration camp in which she spent the war. Alice’s estranged daughter, reentering her mother’s life too late, witnesses her stark and devastating decline. Written in spellbinding, incantatory prose, The Swimmers is a searing, intimate story of mothers and daughters, and the sorrows of implacable loss: the most commanding and unforgettable work yet from a modern master.

I was quite sure that I'd read one of Julie Otsuka's earlier novels, but if so, it must have been pre-blogging days since I can't find a review here or on Goodreads. I picked up a copy of The Swimmers while on one of our recent road trips and I'm glad I didn't let it sit on my shelves for too long. It's a quick read (under 200 pages) and despite the sad themes of estrangement, dementia, and loss, I was enjoyed the book and was deeply moved. 

The first part of the novel revolves around the group of swimmers and their daily routines, habits, and quirks at the pool. There was a time, many years ago, that I thought I could add lap swimming to my workout routine. I got a colorful Speedo swimsuit and some fancy goggles and began a short-lived venture into swimming at our gym. I'm not sure how many weeks (days?) I lasted, but I do remember that I found it very dull, and it was all I could do to swim for 30 minutes. I was a runner at the time, and I quickly returned to my daily runs outside while listening to my favorite music. I'm not sure my knees appreciate my choice of running over swimming, and now I do neither. But I digress.
Most days, at the pool, we are here to leave our troubles on land behind. Failed painters become elegant breaststrokers. Untenured professors slice, shark-like, through the water, with breathtaking speed. The newly divorced HR Manager grabs a faded red Styrofoam board and kicks with impunity. The downsized adman floats, otter-like, on his back, as he stares up at the clouds on the painted pale blue ceiling, thinking, for the first time all day long, of nothing. Let it go. Worriers stop worrying. Bereaved widows cease to grieve. Out-of-work actors unable to get traction above ground glide effortlessly down the fast lane, in their element, at last. I've arrived! And for a brief interlude we are at home in the world. Bad moods life, tics disappear, memories reawaken, migraines dissolve, and slowly, slowly, the chatter in our minds begins to subside as stroke after stroke, length after length, we swim.
The cadence of Otsuka's prose is snappy and at times, circular or repetitive, and I think I would have enjoyed listening to the audio edition of the book in order to hear the poetic delivery of the story. The middle section lost momentum, and I grew tired of the swimmers' anxious queries about the ongoing discovery of new cracks in the pool surface. However, the final section drew me back in, but oh how my heart ached for Alice, who suffers from frontotemporal dementia.
FTD. Some of the symptoms: gradual changes in personality, inappropriate behavior in public, apathy, weight gain, loss of inhibition, the desire to hoard.
Lisa Genova's brilliant work, Still Alice (reviewed here), put a face on Alzheimer's, and Julie Otsuka has done the same with dementia and the heartbreaking existence in a memory care facility. Otsuka's collective point-of-view, as well as her litany of traits and behaviors of the swimmers (and residents in the "home") requires patience from her readers, but overall, I thought the book was exceptionally good. It might hit too close to home for some, but the inclusion of humor provides some levity to an otherwise devastating narrative. Recommend with reservations.


  1. Nicely reviewed. I had to go back & read my review of this one to recall it but this author is definitely unique in how she tells a story. First off, the first & second half almost felt like two separate books: different in tone and content. But the story grew on me as well and I liked it too. The dementia part is tough but well done & moving. here are my other thoughts:

    1. Yes, it definitely felt like two different stories, Susan! I didn't read the back cover, so I didn't know what it was about. Just knew a lot of readers enjoyed it, which is why I bought it. I'll probably give it a second reading next year, now that I know what to look for. The cracks in the pool are a great metaphor, which I didn't pick up on until the very end. The dementia content was so hard to read, as was the estrangement between mother and daughter.

  2. I read this in '22 and loved it. Glad you enjoyed it too!

    1. Vicki, the last chapters about dementia were really tough to read, but I enjoyed the book. I may read it again in another year or two.

  3. As a former swimmer (and by the way, you can now get waterproof music players to strap on to your goggles!), I think I would like this book.

    1. Helen, waterproof music players (or something that would play an audiobook) would almost sway me to start swimming laps, although the pool in our HOA isn't very big. Four strokes and I'd have to turn around! You will probably enjoy this book, but be forewarned. The dementia chapters are really tough to read.

  4. This was a lovely book, I thought. I am a huge fan of swimming, though lap swimming doesn't appeal to me. Aqua Zumba?...A big yes!

    1. Deb, I've never tried Aqua Zumba! Sounds like fun and also a good workout, I'm sure.

  5. That is an excellent review. Well thanks a lot, Les, for being my book enabler! Off I go to get this one too. I want to make time for this one in 2025.

    1. Thanks, Tina! Happy to be your enabler. :) Enjoy!

  6. I have considered reading this one, but will think further on it. I'm not a swimmer at all, but I can see how it is an absorbing activity for many. At my rec center, there are lap lanes, but also a bunch of people do the swim aerobic classes or just walk in the pool. Better on the joints I'm told. The dementia angle is good to know about and I think good that you talked about it so that readers can consider whether it would be something they could handle. I think I could handle that aspect. I have recommended Still Alice to so many people and do talk with friends and honestly strangers about having a family member with dementia or Alzheimer's. I feel that many really need encouragement, support, and understanding. They have made progress in these medical areas since my time of dealing with my parents, but there will hopefully be more that can be done eventually.

    1. Kay, I think there are a lot of similarities between fans of lap swimming and walkers or runners. It becomes a routine and one may or may not encounter the same folks during their walks or runs as lap swimmers do. I think a walking pool would be great. Definintely better on the joints. The dementia themes are rough, but certainly something you could handle reading. It's been so long since I read Still Alice and I'm tempted to go back to it now that I've read this book.

  7. It's so interesting how different activities appeal to different people. I can barely swim so that isn't an option but weight training bores me out of my skull. How many times can I count to 12 or whatever? Ugh. I like group exercise classes but haven't been to one since before the pandemic. I just can't get past the thought of all those people gasping in an enclosed room together. I do better with jogging because I can listen to an audiobook or even read my Kindle on the elliptical.

    I reservedly liked Still Alice but found it emotionally difficult, even without any firsthand experience of any loved ones having Alzheimer's. I think I'll skip this one for that reason but I'm glad you largely liked it.

    1. I hear you on weight training, Jen. I've started lifting heavier hand weights and only doing 6-8 reps for 2 sets instead of 12 for 3. Cuts down on the time, but is also more effective, I hear. I wish I could still run/jog, but my knees hate me. Walking for 8-10K steps a day is about the best I can do, although I am back to yoga 3x week. At least we're moving, right?

      I think you're wise to skip this book if Still Alice was too rough for you. In addition to the dementia theme, the strained relationship between mother and daughter was sad to read, as well. I had to hold back sobs so I wouldn't wake up my husband as I read late into the night. :(


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