July 6, 2024

Second Quarter Favorites of 2024


Welcome to a new feature on my blog. I noticed a few people sharing their quarterly favorites (on Instagram) and decided to do the same. It might be helpful at the end of the year when it's time for me to compile my "Best of 2024" list.

Sandwich by Catherine Newman (5/5)

Meredith, Alone by Claire Alexander (4/5)

Still Life by Sarah Winman (4.5/5)

The Road to Dalton by Shannon Bowring (4/5)

The Hours by Michael Cunningham (re-read) (4/5)

Devorgilla Days by Kathleen Hart (4/5)


  1. You are so in my head, or maybe I am in youres :-) I was pondering doing an update on my summer reading challenge as it's almost the halfway mark.

    You certainly have some great books for your update. I am reading Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane and thought of adding more of her work to my challenge now. It is SO hot here I am getting more readong done.

    1. Tina, I'm not doing too well (yet!) with my summer reading challenge. I've given up on one book on my list, paused another, and finally finished one last night. Maybe now things will pick up!

      I enjoyed Ask Again, Yes, but haven't read anything else by her.

      I'm the opposite of you. It's finally warm enough to spend time outside that I'm not reading as much. I am getting well over 10,000 steps in every day, though. :)

    2. That's wonderful stepping! I get that in winter. We get a good sweaty half hour walk in early but it's brutal after that. As for reading, you have had some visitors and fun so reading less is understandable. I am almost done with a post about other books I want to read.

    3. July should be better with regard to my reading, Tina. Just started After Annie and it sucked me in from the first paragraph. If I felt like it, I could probably read it in a day.

  2. I like this feature! Two are books I've read and loved, and the other four are on my wish list... thanks to you. June wasn't a great reading month for me (too much travel) but the books I have finished in the past week or so are winners.

    1. It's a fun feature, JoAnn. Glad you like it. You'll get back to reading after the busy-ness of summer. Enjoy your family time and travels.

  3. Ack! I haven't read any of these books and you've ranked them so high. My reading lately hasn't been super satisfying. I really want a 5 star book to sweep me away.

    1. Helen, I've only read a few 5-star books this year (I'm stingy with that rating). Of those three 5-star books, Sandwich is the only one I'd re-read. The others (Since We Fell and Demon Copperhead) were excellent, but not the type of book I'd pick up again. I'm currently reading After Annie by Anna Quindlen and it may be another 5-star read. She's such a great writer!

  4. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Hi Les, l loved Road to Dalton, and,I thiught StillLifeand the Hours were good. I’ve got my reading mojo back and hope to maybe post what I’ve read in 2024 on the blog soon. Enjoy the summer. (Diane - Bib By the Sea)

    1. Hey Diane!! So good to hear from you. I can't tell you how much I miss your blog posts. I do hope you get back to posting again. Glad you have your reading mojo back! Whoohoo! Take good care, my friend. xo

  5. Good update & quality reads! The library list is so long for Sandwich ... I might get it before. I've read Still Life and The Road to Dalton ... saw the movie of The Hours .... much to read this summer but it's busy ... so I'm going slow ... enjoy your walks & steps!

    1. Thanks, Susan. I'm not surprised that the wait list for Sandwich is long. I think it's one that's worth purchasing. Had I borrowed it from the library, I would have wound up buying a copy for my keeper shelf. Happy reading!

  6. Meredith, Alone is on my TBR. I am so glad you liked it enough to feature it here. I'd like to read Still Life and Sandwich. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Meredith, Alone is such a good read. I just finished another (review to come, but it's called The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle) that gave me the same feel good reaction. Still Life and Sandwich are both so good and worthwhile! Happy reading!


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