January 5, 2013


Don't tell my husband. I'm pretty sure he has a bet with one of his co-workers that I wouldn't last two weeks. ;)

Thank you for all your sweet comments. Between these and those posted on Facebook, I'm reminded that there are many readers out there who don't leave comments,  but are nonetheless following my blog and recommendations. I'm quite humbled.

It's been less than two weeks since I decided to close up shop and I have to admit that I'm missing it just a little bit. I don't miss the time involved in composing an informative book review, but I do miss the conversations shared with you. I'm still following my favorite blogs, but it feels like bit lopsided.

So... the compromise.

I am going to continue to keep a running list of the books I've read in my sidebar, as well post a very simple entry (similar to what I'll share on Goodreads) when I finish a book. If I mark a favorite passage, I'll include that, but no more long, involved reviews. Not much of a change from the past few months, is it? The big change involves commenting. Responding to comments has always been important to me, but as you all know, it can be very time consuming. So, unless asked a specific question, I will no longer respond general comments. I'm also going to refrain from joining any challenges this year and will only accept ARCs by my favorite authors. It's time to start reading more books from my stacks, many of which have been lurking for over a decade!

So here's to the New Year and a new plan. Thank you all for your loyalty and love. 


  1. Yay! I'm glad you'll be back in a new form. I won't tell your husband. lol

  2. commencing happypdancing

  3. *jumping up and down with joy!*

  4. Good compromise!

  5. Happy dancing here, too. :)

    I have always loved those book covers in the sidebar...like face-outs at the bookstore.

  6. I am one of those who seldom leaves a comment, but I have have always enjoyed your posts. And I don't even like to read fiction, but I still like your reviews!
    I felt sad when I read that you would not post anymore, so this compromise makes me happy.
    (Nan, from Letters From A Hill Farm, has also stopped posting, perhaps she will follow your lead!)

  7. Yippee! A perfect compromise :-)

  8. Your secret is safe with me!!! I will take whatever you are willing to write!!!! Yay!

  9. Yay!!! I was afraid I was going to have to hound you on FB for book recommendations!

  10. Glad to hear it Les, I have been following your book recommendations for close to 15 years now. I was worried about going into withdrawal... :)


  11. Glad to hear it. I have been reading your book recommendations for close to 15 years now. Don't know what I would have done without them... :)


  12. Wahoo! I'm glad you're sticking around. I intend to limit the length of my blog posts, this year, too.

  13. You just needed some time out, and you came up with a great compromise!

  14. Posting for Bellezza:

    "Sounds like my diet plans...grapefruit for breakfast, hot fudge sundae for dessert. It's a perfect compromise to do what you want, when you want.

    That said, I'm relieved to see your return."

    1. Thanks so much for publishing my comment for me. Not quite sure the darn iPad wouldn't...just shows how people are infinitely better than machines.

  15. Yay, this sounds like a perfect compromise to me. Thanks Les

  16. I am glad you are sticking around, Les! I blog about more than just books now and don't post about all of the books I read... That is my compromise with myself. :)

  17. :))))))) And don't stress the return comments. I had to quit it this year and it still makes me sad but it does help infinitely to not feel like you need to rush to a computer to respond. Just glad to see you here. And your gorgeous new header!

    Also I'm secretly relieved I don't have to figure out Goodreads in order to keep up with you....

  18. Great plan - welcome back!

  19. I have to admit, it's been very difficult not responding to comments! That's all part of the conversation that I so missed. Maybe another compromise is to make one comment to the group as a whole and not one to each and every individual commenter.

    Janet, I agree about the Face-Out appearance. Nothing like a nice cover to catch one's eye. :)

    You all made me laugh & smile with your happy dancing, whahoos and cheers. Thank you!

  20. Anonymous3:03 AM

    I have never responded to anything, but I do read all your posts. So glad you decided to come back even in a different form. I live in the Netherlands and love your blog. Do it anyway you want to, but please, keep coming back, because reading your posts is big fun.
    All the best!
    Gerda from Holland

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment, Gerda. This is one of the main reasons I've decided to return. I've discovered there have been quite a few readers of my blog who have never commented and aren't a part of my little blogging circle. When I originally left, I thought everyone would still be able to keep up on my reading via Facebook or Goodreads. I never imagined I had so many silent visitors. I'm flattered that you've read all of my posts and hope you've found some good books from my recommendations. Thank you again for saying hello.


I may not answer your comments in a timely fashion, but I always answer. Check back soon!