January 30, 2007

Smart Women...

Smart Women by Judy Blume
Contemporary Fiction
Rating: DNF

Stupid book. Wasted an evening reading a hundred pages before tossing it across the room. I read Summer Sisters several years ago, but don't remember much about it (and it must not have been that good since I don't own a copy).


  1. Summer Sisters was cutsey... It was better than any of her other adult novels that I have read, in any case.

  2. I don't think she is a very good writer for children or adults. I know a lot of people rave about her, but not I.

  3. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Don't you hate when you realize a book's going nowhere? Like you, I don't hesitate to toss it aside. 100 pp. is a very fair test, very generous in fact. I've tossed a few aside this year at 50 - 60 pp. and been well rid of them.

    I don't know that I've ever read any Judy Blume. Unless I've forgotten what the book very efficiently, which could be.

  4. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I read Summer Sisters earlier last year, and enjoyed it for what it was. But I've never read any of her other books for adults.

  5. I swore off Judy Blume after I read Summer Sisters. Except for an interesting ending, it was a big disappointment. Your review reinforces my thoughts.

  6. Kailana - I wish I could remember more about Summer Sisters, as I vaguely recall enjoying it quite well. Oh, well!

    Nan - I wouldn't go so far as to rave about her books, but I did enjoy Summer Sisters. I don't think I've read any of her children's books.

    Bluestalking Reader - Yep, 100 pages was pretty generous (I usually quit by 50-60), but it was a mass market and very quickly read. Pretty low reading level, I think. Off to the used bookstore it goes!

    Lesley - Exactly. I enjoyed Summer Sisters for what it was. Light, entertaining fluff. This one was just too ridiculously shallow for me. I probably would've enjoyed it when I was in my twenties.

    Framed - You know, I don't even really remember what Summer Sisters was about. Just that I enjoyed the light, fluffy read. Glad to reinforce your opinion of the author!

  7. I read Summer Sisters with a book group and didn't care for it at all. Haven't read anything else by her either.

  8. SuziQ - I don't think you're missing anything! Especially if you didn't like Summer Sisters.


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