Naked in Death
Finished on 10/3/07
Rating: 4/5 (Very Good)
The year is 2058. It's the age of flying cars, tele-links, communicators, security discs and LC's (Licensed Companions). Coffee and steak are pretty much a rarity, and only the very wealthy can afford to bury their loved ones. Guns have been outlawed for several decades, yet killers still kill and cops still eat donuts. Welcome to Eve Dallas' world.
I've never read any of Nora Roberts' romances, nor have I been interested in her mysteries (written under the pen name "J. D. Robb"). However, several weeks ago I had the pleasure of chatting about books with one of our regular customers. Next to seeing all the new titles come into the store, talking about my favorite books to customers and co-workers is the highlight of my job. I get so much enjoyment (and a sense of satisfaction) when a customer really listens to what I have to say about a particular book or author and enthusiastically adds a half dozen to his or her shopping basket. Of course, this is a two-way street when encountering another avid reader. And, I try to be open-minded when a customer suggests a favorite to me! So after hand-selling copies of The Sparrow
I started this series after lots of recs, and I am so glad that I did! I still have loads of backlist to work through though. Robb/Roberts is so prolific!
ReplyDeleteI've read lots of Roberts as herself and Robb and think she does write well.I suffer from depression and ,fortunately now only occasionally, can't tackle anything else but thiese take me away from myself and corny though it is I like good to triumph over evil.Found you on Dovegreyreader'sblog and shall now be a regular reader. Daphne
ReplyDeleteYou made me go back and check my book spreadsheet. I read a bunch of this series a while ago, but couldn't remember how far I got and when it was. Turns out I got through book 12 and it's been 2 years. I enjoyed this series as 'brain break' books in between heavier stuff, but stopped reading them because I'd read too many in a row and they got a bit stale. I think it's been long enough in between now. Maybe I should pull the next couple off my shelf and read them soon. I liked the way she did the futuristic stuff. I've never read any of her Nora Roberts books, just this series. I like the characters.
ReplyDeleteMarg - Good to know that so many people have enjoyed this series! However, I may have to alternate between Robb and Sandford in order to get caught up on their backlists.
ReplyDeleteDaphne Sayed - I think Robb's books will provide great entertainment (read: brain candy). I'm looking forward to the next in the series. Can't wait to see what happens between Roarke and Eve!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Dovegreyreader has a lovely blog and I'm glad you found your way to mine.
SuziQ - Yep, this appears to be perfect brain candy. I may have to stock up with the next few in the series so I have something quick and light to read between my heavier reads. And I'm with you. I like the futuristic stuff. Made it seem very plausible.
I've always dismissed the J.D.Robb books because I couldn't disassociate them from the romance genre that Nora Roberts is so well known for. But last month at our book club meeting, someone was describing the series and I thought I might actually be able to read them, especially since I only have the last Stephanie Plum book left to read (#13 is going to be my reward for finishing this month's book club selection!). Your recommendation makes it even more enticing to give the J.D.Robb series a try.
ReplyDeleteJanet - Have you read any of Nora Roberts' romances? I have no interest, but I'm curious if they're any good. I have a feeling you'll enjoy her mysteries.
ReplyDeleteBTW, it looks like you're the only one who voiced an interest in my copy of Consuming Passions. If you email me your snail-mail address, I'll get it off to you in the next week or so. I still need to copy down some recipes! My email address is in my profile.
Les, So glad you enjoyed NAKED IN DEATH!! I read it several years ago, hated it, pitched it and moved on. Then, because I'm susceptible to hype, I tried them again. I didn't get completely "hooked" until CEREMONY IN DEATH, but now they go on my list of "can't wait to read" reads.
ReplyDeleteI've read Roberts' romances and I love them. I think they're well written--I like the smart alec tone to the banter that she uses. Some are better than others--bound to be with so many choices--but I have to say that she's a definite "go to" author for me when I'm flirting with a reading slump.
Cindy - Thanks for stopping by with your comment! I haven't had a chance to read anymore by Robb/Roberts, but I plan to. I'm not big on romances, but I'll give some of hers a try since I value your opinion. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for commenting on my Naked in Death thoughts.
ReplyDeleteIt's been over 5 years, but I did read one by "Nora Roberts" titled Three Fates. I can't remember the circumstances or who twisted my arm to read it, but I remember enjoying it. Although not enough to run out and read more apparently. :)
I think the romance in Robb's Naked in Death is far greater than in Evanovich's series. I can tolerate Evanovich's much easier.
Joy - I've had other readers recommend Three Fates. Guess I'll have to track it down someday.