October 3, 2009

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Once again, Kelly has moved to tears. If you haven't read her book, I encourage you to do so. My review is here.


  1. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Oh my. Thanks for sharing this. I'm a puddle. I really am going to read the book. Think it might be a good book club book. Again, thanks and be sure and get your mammogram, no matter how uncomfortable they are.

  2. Thank you for putting this up

  3. Thanks for posting this. I'll be doing to same too.

  4. Kay - She really has a way of tugging at your heartstrings, doesn't she? I think this would be a fabulous book club selection. And, yes, I've got my mammogram scheduled for December. Every year right around my birthday.

    Maggie May - You're welcome. I think what Kelly is doing for breast cancer awareness is remarkable and oh, so important.

    Steph - Pretty powerful stuff, isn't it?

  5. To be honest, I haven't clicked on the play arrow - yet. I don't feel like "being moved to tears" at the moment. I will come back, though. However, I did want to say that I finally have the book. It probably won't be read for a while, but at least I have it in my possession now. :)

  6. Joy - She has a blog, so maybe once you've read the book, you can take a look at her site and listen to this and some of the other video clips she has posted. Might be easier to be "moved to tears" once you know her full story.


I may not answer your comments in a timely fashion, but I always answer. Check back soon!