It's been a couple of months since my last Mailbox Monday posting. I'd really like to start reading the books that are currently stacked all over my house before bringing more in. I've been trying to ignore the incoming ARCs at work, as well as the offers for review copies from authors & publicists. It's tough to remain firm, though, when I have such generous friends (and customers) who are kind enough to keep me stocked in good reading material. ;)
So, what's new on my shelf?

by Heather Gudenkauf
This one came in a box full of birthday and Christmas gifts from my mom. Since it wasn't wrapped, I assumed (correctly) that I didn't need to wait until December to enjoy it. Since I'm home sick, I might just start in on it today. Thanks, Mom!

Looking After Pigeon
by Maud Carol Markson
by Maud Carol Markson
I won this from Booklogged a few weeks ago. I've read mixed reviews, but am anxious to give it a read. Thanks, Booklogged!

by Hillary Jordan
From the author's website:
This is storytelling at its most indelible — fierce, unflinching and deeply human. Mudbound won the 2006 Bellwether Prize for Fiction, awarded biannually to a first literary novel that addresses issues of social justice.
One of my customers brought this in for me to borrow last week. I think she was returning the favor, as I've loaned her a couple of books (no longer available for purchase through B&N) over the past year or so. I've heard very good things about Jordan's novel and since it's on loan, I'll try to get to it sooner than later!
This is storytelling at its most indelible — fierce, unflinching and deeply human. Mudbound won the 2006 Bellwether Prize for Fiction, awarded biannually to a first literary novel that addresses issues of social justice.
One of my customers brought this in for me to borrow last week. I think she was returning the favor, as I've loaned her a couple of books (no longer available for purchase through B&N) over the past year or so. I've heard very good things about Jordan's novel and since it's on loan, I'll try to get to it sooner than later!
by Ellen Baker
A friend and former co-worker (from Borders in Fort Worth) sent this to me a couple of weeks ago. I've had my eye on it ever since it first came out. I love that cover! Again, I hope to get to this in the coming weeks. Thanks, Janet!
Well, it looks like I have my December reading mapped out. They all sound like winners, so maybe I'll end the year on a high note.
Mailbox Monday is the place for bloggers to share the books that arrived in their homes last week. For more Mailbox Monday posts, visit Marcia at The Printed Page.
Click on the titles for more information.