Once again, this fun meme is great for the end of the year. Take the first line of each month's post over the past year and see what it tells you about your blogging year.
Let's see where it takes us, shall we?
January: Health enough to make work a pleasure, (from a poem)
February: I recently learned that Elizabeth Berg has just completed another novel, due out on April 28th. (book review for The Day I Ate Whatever I Wanted)
My 2004 MiniCooper (with only 30K miles!) (from Wordless Wednesday, although you'll note I wasn't at a loss for words!)
April: I've heard very good things about Morton's debut novel, The House at Riverton, but haven't yet had a chance to give it a read. (book review for The Forgotten Garden)
May: I generally don't read a lot of nonfiction, but I sure do love memoirs, so I was happy to accept a review copy of The Midwife. (book review for The Midwife)
June: Yes, I'm still here!
July: My dear friend Nan wrote about this book two years ago and I was immediately intrigued. (book review for Still Life with Chickens)
August: Mailbox Monday is the place for bloggers to share the books that arrived in their homes last week. (weekly meme)
September: I set a new endcap at work this week. (Post-Apocalyptic books)
October: I sure don't hear much about Joyce Maynard in the blogging world. (book review for Labor Day)
November: March 14, 1882 We have the beginning of a house put up. (Teaser Tuesday meme)
December: Have I really been listening to this album for 20 years? (album "review" for George Winston's December)
I think Nan's results were much more interesting, as her blog is not just about books, but cooking, gardening, her animals, music, poetry and quotes. Mine tends to focus mostly on books.
I took the liberty to modify the rules a bit. Since I usually start my blog entries with the book details and a publisher's blurb, I chose my first sentence for this meme.
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