April 12, 2010

Read-A-Thon (2010) Recap

Oh, dear. I did not do very well with this Read-A-Thon! I read for most of the morning, but I also spent a lot of time online, working on the mini-challenges and visiting other participants. We met some friends for drinks, mid-afternoon, and wound up being gone for over three hours. We had to walk Annie-Dog when we got home, and then it was time to fix dinner. By the time we'd finished eating, I was starting to feel sleepy. I thought I could read for a few more hours, but it just wasn't in the cards. I was asleep by 9:30!

Here are my final stats:

Total Reading Time: 4 hours and 10 minutes

Total Books Completed: 1 (The Last Time I Saw You by Elizabeth Berg)

Total Pages Read: 207

Favorite Mini-Challenge: Bart's Book Title Sentence Challenge.

How does this compare to last fall? Well, I read for a total of 9 hours and 621 pages in October. I'm not sure spring is the best time for me to participate in a Read-A-Thon. Far too many distractions, not to mention the gorgeous weather.

I hope everyone had a good time!


  1. At least you had fun - that's what it's about anyway!

  2. Don't feel bad. I have been in two of them so far and the first time, I spent so much time online that I missed the whole point of read-a-thon.

    Last fall I did a bit better but even with posting updates every three hours, I still felt like I spent way too much time online.

  3. Ah well there's always the Fall one but I think you did great anyway :)

  4. Kathy - I did! And I even finished a book. Woot!

    Ti - Yeah, the whole online thing is too much. I need to spend the day doing nothing but reading. And, maybe keep notes of things I want to blog about the following day. I probably spent 50% of my time online!

    Iliana - Yep, I think I'm better suited for the Fall event. And I plan to be a little more restrictive about how much time I spend online. I am happy that I read an entire book, though. :)


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