January 17, 2016

Mailbox Monday

Why yes, I did get some new books last week! I didn't buy them, as I'm trying to stick to my plan to read only from my stacks. However, these ARCs showed up at work and I couldn't resist bringing them home. They both sound very good and I'll probably dive into them sometime this summer.

I've not read anything by Lisa Lutz, but this blurb caught my eye:
A sharp, clever, and utterly compelling thriller about a woman running from the mistakes and misfortunes of her past. Terrific. ~ Chris Pavone, New York Times bestselling author of The Expats and The Accident
And, after reading the following blurb, I knew I had to give Anna and the Swallow Man a chance. 
Not unlike another novel I edited, Markus Zusak's The Book Thief, this is a story about growing up--all the way up--during a time of monumental change. I am incredibly proud to share Anna and the Swallow Man with you. It deserves a space on the top shelf, where the most brilliant books live to be read and cherished time and time again. ~Erin Clarke, Executive Editor, Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers.

The Passenger is due out on March 1, 2016. Anna and The Swallow Man will hit the shelves on January 26, 2016. Oh, goodness. Maybe I'll sneak these in before summer. They both sound very, very good.

What arrived in your mailbox this week? 

Click on the titles for more information.

Find more Mailbox Monday posts here.


  1. I'm very curious about Lisa Lutz's new book. She has written books with a lot of humor in them in the past. My mystery group enjoyed one of them - a family of quirky private eyes - the Spellmans. Anyway, this seems more in the thriller vein and I gotta know....LOL!

    1. I'm curious about Lutz's new book, too, Kay. I've seen her humorous mysteries at work, but haven't felt compelled to try one.

  2. Both of those sound wonderful!

    1. Don't they, Kathy? I'm eager to read them, but first to tackle what's on my shelves from the past few years.

  3. The Lutz book is featured on several blogs this week. Looking forward to the reviews. Have a good week!

    1. You're right, Mary! I've seen it on a lot of blogs this past week. Hope it's a winner.

  4. I keep seeing The Passenger on a lot of blogs today.

    Have a great week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth. I'm eager to see if I'll like The Passenger. It's definitely calling to me!

  5. Our old friend Marcie's new book - Cultivating Success in the Garden! And another gardening book by an English fellow - Growing To a Ripe Old Age: 50 Years in the Garden by Edward Enfield. And a novel - Heroic Measures by Jill Ciment.

    1. Marcie wrote a book?! How exciting!! I'll be anxious to hear what you think. I'm not a vegetable gardener, but I'll bet you find a lot of good advice as you read. Off to see what Heroic Measures is about.

  6. Thanks, Vicki. The month is turning out to be one of my best in a long, long time.

  7. Both sound great! Can't wait to here what you think of these.

    1. I'm trying desperately to read from my stacks, so I may wait a bit to read these since they just arrived in my house.


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