May 25, 2022

Wordless Wednesday


Uvalde, Texas
May 24, 2022


  1. Sadly, it's not the first time I've used it.

  2. Beautiful and so very sad as well.

    1. My heart has been so heavy since I first heard the awful news.

  3. Perfect. This is so sad. My heart goes out to the parents and loved ones who were lost.

    1. Tina, as details of that awful shooting are revealed, it's almost unbearable to think about. I feel for the parents and the survivors. The trauma they are experiencing must be so horrific.

  4. Replies
    1. Deb, when I didn't think I could feel any sadder, my heart shattered when I read the following:

      Student calls to 911:
      12:03—whispered she's in room 112
      12:10—said multiple dead
      12:13—called again
      12:16—says 8-9 students alive
      12:19—student calls from room 111
      12:21—3 shots heard on call
      12:36—another call
      12:43—asks for police
      12:47—asks for police

  5. It's a very heavy blow. And the 911 calls ... can anyone explain the police inaction?

    1. Susan, it's been such a hard week. Sadly, I know how the families are feeling. Yesterday marked 17 years since our daughter was killed...

  6. ps. And also explain why 18 year olds can buy automatic weapons ...

    1. Susan, there is no explanation. It's insane.

    2. I'm so sorry Lesley -- that it's been that many years since you lost her. So senseless.

    3. Thank you, Susan. xoxo

  7. Laurel ( AM

    Les, I cannot stop thinking about those innocent children and their teachers. And I don't want to stop thinking about them. I'm angry that gun violence continues, and that nothing changes in terms of gun regulations. It doesn't seem to matter what most people want as long as the gun lobby and self-serving soulless politicians are in control. I want to believe that those children count, that my vote counts, that our voices count. I don't want to lose hope. But I don't feel very hopeful. (Laurel)

    1. Laurel, it's hard to stop thinking about Uvalde, especially since there's still so much in the news. Not that we should forget about them (victims, survivors, families, first-responders, etc.), but for my own mental well-being, I need to stop reading the news. It's not easy to feel hopeful, is it? Gun violence is so prevalent in this country. We've been personally affected, which makes me feel the families' grief even more so, knowing what this past week has felt like for them. The 28th marked the 17th anniversary of the death of our daughter. It's all so unforgiveable.

  8. Laurel5:07 PM

    Oh, Les. I am so sorry. This must bring back so many painful memories. Take good care of yourself. XO

  9. This date has also been a painful one for me for a long time now. My dad passed away on May 24th 21 years ago and I still miss him so much. Thinking of you friend! Many hugs!


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