April 21, 2023

Looking Back - Bread Alone

Looking Back... In an effort to transfer my book journal entries over to this blog, I'm going to attempt to post (in chronological order) an entry every Friday. I may or may not add extra commentary to what I jotted down in these journals.

2001 William Morrow
Finished on October 29, 2001
Rating: 3.5/5 (Good)

“Hendricks calls to mind Barbara Kingsolver in her affinity for wise women and the power of close female relationships.” —Booklist

Publisher's Blurb:

Thirty-one-year-old Wynter Morrison is lost when her husband leaves her for another woman. Desperate for a change, she moves to Seattle, where she spends aimless hours at a local bakery sipping coffee and inhaling the sweet aromas of freshly-made bread. These visits bring back memories of the time she aprenticed at a French boulangerie, when her passion for bread-making nearly led her to leave college and become a baker.

Once again, the desire to bake bread consumes her thoughts. When offered a position at the bake shop, Wyn quickly accepts, hoping that the baking will help her move on. But soon Wyn discovers that the making of bread—the kneading of the dough—possesses an unexpected and wondrous healing power—one that will ultimately renew her heart and her soul.

My Original Thoughts (2001):

Gentle fiction. Predictable at times, but still good. I enjoyed the story and the romantic tension.

My Current Thoughts:

Looking through my reading journal notes, I see that I read this book in two days. I still have a copy on my shelf, and read it a second time in 2007. My review of that re-read (linked here) is much more extensive, and has me thinking about reading the book a third time! And since that review, I have learned how to make homemade bread.


  1. Vicki, this is one of the rare occasions that I enjoyed the book so well, I could happily read it a third time.

  2. Good luck with the transfer of your journal reviews to this blog. It seems to be going well.

    1. Thanks, Harvee. I think I only have four more years remaining. :)

  3. This must be a good one if you've already read it twice and are considering a third time.

    1. Helen, it's a nice, gentle comfort read.

  4. You've already read this one twice? I missed it back then, but will keep an eye out for a copy.

    1. JoAnn, I'm a sucker for books set in the PNW, especially those set in Seattle.

  5. I read this in 2001, too. Here's my succinct review: "Worth reading. Great recipes, too." It's a book I can see myself rereading, especially since I love baking bread now.

    1. Our "reviews" twenty years ago were pretty succinct, weren't they? ;) I need to look through my copy and see what recipes might be worth trying.


I may not answer your comments in a timely fashion, but I always answer. Check back soon!