May 27, 2023

20 Books of Summer - 2023


It's completely out of the question for me to resist Cathy's 20 Books of Summer Reading Challenge. This will be my fourth year participating and while I have a very busy summer ahead (a 5-1/2-week RV trip to Canada, plus two or three families coming to visit after our return), it's impossible for me to not put together a couple of stacks of potential reads for the upcoming months. Having specific books lined up for the challenge helps keep me focused, which is why I tend to look for older titles that have been lurking on my shelves for several years. This year I've chosen to combine mysteries with lighter novels, completely ignoring the top shelf of my TBR bookcase (which is overflowing with top recommendations from 2022--I'll get to those this fall!). I forgot to include audiobooks, but I'm sure a few of those will nudge their way into the final results. 

Have you read any of these? Which would you start with?

For past posts (and results) about this challenge, click here.


  1. Everyone in my book club loved Beneath a Scarlet Sky. It's historical fiction set in Italy.

    Ocean State is the usual highly realistic, sometimes painful Stewart O'Nan.

    A Tale for the Time Being is a zany tale by a zany author that takes on, in a very indirect way, important ideas. It's a big book, if I remember correctly.

    What's the title of the book in the top row right? I can't read it, and I can't read the author's name, but does it have Paris in the title?

    1. Thanks for your input, Deb. I have Beneath a Scarlet Sky on audio, so I'll download that so it's ready for our roadtrip. That's a perfect description of Stewart O'Nan's writing. The book on the top row (right corner) is Pastries by Bharti Kirchner. I've had it forever!

  2. I have read all of Maeve Binchy's books, some I favor more than others. I liked Billy Summers and I think Jake Gyllenhaal would be amazing in that role if they made a movie.
    Also have read These Silent Woods.

    I've already purchased the first Susan Hill book in the series. Ruth Ozeki is a new name for me but coincidentally, the book you have is a featured book in my new jigsaw puzzle! I have added quite a few titles from your list here which are new to me. Thanks!

    1. Tina, since I've read all of Rosamunde Pilcher's books, I thought I'd give Binchy a try. We'll see if they've stood the test of time... Oooh, I'll keep Byllenhaal in mind as I read Billy Summers. :) Hope you enjoy Susan Hill's book. I'm now on #3 and stayed up reading far too late last night. It's really good!

  3. Hi Les, I loved these lists and it certainly looks like you are in for some good and varied summer reading. I liked Billy Summers, These Silent Woods and Beneath a Scarley Sky a lot - enjoy!

    1. HI, Diane! Glad to hear that you enjoyed those three books. They're high on my list. I just downloaded Beneath a Scarlet Sky to listen to on our trip. Thanks!

  4. Yes! The Maeve Binchys which I adore. And this is the one Robin Pilcher I did think so good. And the Professor and the Housekeeper. Loved that. I like MB way better than RP.

    1. Oh, that's high praise, Nan. I didn't know you liked MB better than RP. Now I'm super excited to try these books of hers. I wound up reading The Housekeeper and the Professor a few days ago. LOVED it! Review to come. What a lovely novel.

  5. Vicki, I've heard such good things about both books, so I'm eager to get to them. Now to decide which to read first!

  6. Mystica Varathapalan9:08 PM

    I’ve read the Binchey and the Upton books. All good.

    1. Mystica, glad to hear they're good reads. I'm looking forward to starting them later this week.

  7. I haven't read any of these, so will look forward to seeing your reactions. The Thursday Murder Club is waiting on my kindle and The Reading List is on my wish list. Good luck!

    1. Wow, I can't believe you haven't read any of these, JoAnn! I have the other two books in the "Thursday Muder Club" series, so I hope I enjoy the first installment. Rod and my mom think they're great!

  8. You can't beat a Maeve Binchey, she never disappoints! Sister is also very good. Thanks for joining in Lesley - good luck and happy reading!

    1. Thanks, Cathy. I'm looking forward to trying a couple of books by Binchey. I can't believe I've never read anything by her.

  9. I really enjoyed the Thursday Murder Club (start with this one, it's funny), The Invisible Husband (so good), and Billy Summer (if you like King, you'll love this)

    1. Helen, I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the TMC. My husband and my mom both love the series! I really like Stephen King, so I'm looking forward to Billy Summer. I left it at home (too big and bulky!), but I'll start once we get back from Canada.

  10. Hmm did I comment before? This is a good list! These Silent Woods is good on audio ... as well as A Tale for the Time Being. I think you will be happy with many of these, yay! Love summer reading.

    1. Susan, I love summer reading, too. However, I should have known that I wouldn't get any reading in while on our road trip. Too much to see and do! I've maybe read a dozen pages in the past week. :) We're in Waterton right now and it is beyond amazing!! I keep gazing out the window and gushing to Rod about how beautiful it is with the blue sky and gorgeous mountains.

  11. I hope you've been having a wonderful time on your travel adventures! What a great list of books. I recommend The Thursday Murder Club and The Invisible Husband... both lighthearted and entertaining. Like you, I'm also focusing on some of my older books but I've mainly reached for some slim novels! :) Have a wonderful summer reading great books!

    1. Thanks, Iliana. We are have a fabulous time, so far. Hard to believe we've already been traveling for over a week. Thanks for your recs for my summer reading list. It may wind up being a fall reading list, though. ;) Good luck with your reading challenge!


I may not answer your comments in a timely fashion, but I always answer. Check back soon!