May 31, 2024

20 Books of Summer - 2024


It's that time again! I love this reading challenge and especially love having plenty of books in my TBR bookcase from which to choose. Most of these books were passed along to me by my mom, who is a voracious reader and enjoys the same type of novels as me. (Aren't I lucky?!) Glancing back at last year's list, I am reminded that I chose several books that had been on my shelves for close to a decade, if not longer. I gave up on several of those, which helped make space in my bookcase, only to be refilled a year later! Somehow, I doubt that will be an issue this time around; I've been eager to read so many of these books! I do see that Billy Summers (Stephen King) was on my 2023 list, but I never got around to reading it. I should could start with that one, but it's sooooo long. Decisions, decisions. 

Have you read any of these, and if so, which would you recommend I start with?

I haven't included any of the books from my audio collection, nor have I added any that I might get from the library, (I have a few holds that are bound to arrive in the next few weeks), but this is a good starting point. I'm not sure why, but having a prescribed list (syllabus?) of reading material makes me happy.

For past posts (and results) about this challenge, click here. 

For more information about Cathy's reading challenge here.


  1. If you read Billy Summers I would go for the Kindle version. It is incredibly ong! I read it on Kindle. I've read The Latecomer and One Italian Summer, North Woods in ijn list of holds at the library. Great list. This is my first time noticing the 20 Books of Summer and i think I will do it this time.

    So cool you and your mom can share books!

    1. Tina, I don't have a Kindle (just an old B&N Nook that I never use), and I already have the book in hard cover. But thanks for the recommendation. I remember reading 11/22/63 on my Nook and was glad to do so since it was so big and heavy! I know The Latecomer is a favorite of yours and JoAnne's, so I may start with that one. I need to finish my current book (a Susan Hill mystery) first, though. I hope you join this challenge. I'd love to see your list!

    2. I remember when I saw a Nook the first time and was so impressed with the display. I liked it's looks better than Kindle but I was commited by then to using the Kindle format. As for 11/22/64 - I was so pleased my local book shop had a used copy for me and I asked them to hold it. For $7 I was both pleased and apprehensive when I walked out with that huge tome!

    3. Tina, I loved 11/22/63! You got a great deal on your copy!

  2. Don't you just love putting together book lists? I think that's part of what I love about challenges. Haha.. I haven't read any of these books but some are on my wishlist. I have read Maggie Smith's poetry collection Goldenrod which I liked a lot so I'd love to read this one. And, yes, you are so lucky to be able to share books with your mom. Hope you'll have a great time reading all of these! Now, I need to hurry up and get my list up too!

    1. Iliana, the creation of book lists is very much like planning for a trip! It's almost as much fun as the actual event. :) I've heard good things about Maggie Smith's memoir, but haven't read any of her poetry. I'll have to look for some collections at the library. Looking forward to seeing what you have on your list!

  3. I really loved The Island of Missing Trees. Watch Us Shine was very good also. I love her writing style. I also liked After Annie except I found there was more emphasis on the best friend than the family left behind. I know lots of people liked North Woods but I found it a slog-sorry.

    1. Sharon, The Island of Missing Trees is high on my list, so I'll probably get to it in June. I'm trying to decide if I want to read all of Marissa de los Santos books before I start in on Watch Us Shine. I love her writing, too. Sorry to hear that you found North Woods to be a slog. I'm reading it for book club, so fingers crossed that I can get through it!

  4. I liked Billy Summers, but had some quibbles. The only book by Kreuger I've read was Iron Lake, but I enjoyed it and have downloaded his newest book. I've read good things about The Island of Missing Trees.

    1. Jenclair, I've read a few stand-alones by WKK, but only one in his series (Iron Lake). I keep meaning to read more of that series and might do so once I finish all of the Susan Hill books.

  5. Nice list. I have listened to the audios of three of these: Recitatif (which is very short but has an interesting ploy to it); Maggie Smith's divorce memoir (much heartbreak for her, & poetic); and The Island of the Missing Trees, which was a bit so-so to me but it has some good parts to it and some vivid scenes. All in all, you have some interesting authors on your list! I hope you enjoy them. And you don't have to rely on the library? that's a big plus. Yay for your mom.

    1. Susan, yes it's wonderful that I don't have to rely on the library for any of these books. I have two checked out that aren't on my list, but I've decided to return them unread. They'll be there for me in the fall or winter, so there's no rush. I really want to try to stick to what I have on my shelves, at least for this reading challenge.

  6. Thanks for taking part Lesley and happy reading!

  7. This is a great summer list! I've been meaning to read William Kent Krueger's new book, since I loved This Tender Land so much. Good luck on the challenge!

    1. Diana, I enjoyed This Tender Land, but didn't love it nearly as much as Ordinary Grace. I hope The River We Remember is a winner. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. I have read three of these books and liked them all: Morrison, King, and Sepetys. I think you will enjoy them as well.

    1. I've read all three authors, but Morrison and I don't always get along. ;) Thankfully, it's not a long novel, so I should be able to finish it.

  9. The Bird Hotel is quite good, as is Billy Summers. I, personally was disappointed with Happiness Falls but I was also dealing with the brain surgery and it's about the complexities of the brain. Ha! I really know how to pick 'em.

    1. Ti, I love Joyce Maynard's novels and am looking forward to The Bird Hotel. And, as you know, I'm a big fan of Stephen King. I'm sorry Happiness Falls was disappointing for you. We'll see how it goes with me.

  10. I've read three of the books on your list: One Italian Summer, which I wish I'd just skipped; Salt to the Sea, which was riveting; and Marriage Portrait, a great view of a strong woman in difficult times. Just my two cents!

    1. Deb, I appreciate your thoughts on these books. I glanced over to my bookcase as I read your comment and see that I have One Italian Summer at the very far end of the shelf, so maybe I was already not terribly inspired to read it. I'm ready for a riveting book (my last three reads were just ho-hum), so once I finish the book I've just started, I'll move on to Salt to the Sea. My mom thought it was remarkable. Thanks again!


I may not answer your comments in a timely fashion, but I always answer. Check back soon!