June 6, 2024



Drowning: The Rescue of Flight 1421 by T.J. Newman
Narrated by Steven Weber and Laura Benanti
Finished on June 5, 2024
Rating: 2/5 (Fair)

Publisher's Blurb:

Flight attendant turned New York Times bestselling author T. J. Newman—whose first book Falling was an instant #1 national bestseller and the biggest thriller debut of 2021—returns for her second book, an edge-of-your-seat thriller about a commercial jetliner that crashes into the ocean, and sinks to the bottom with passengers trapped inside, and the extraordinary rescue operation to save them.

Six minutes after takeoff, Flight 1421 crashes into the Pacific Ocean. During the evacuation, an engine explodes and the plane is flooded. Those still alive are forced to close the doors—but it’s too late. The plane sinks to the bottom with twelve passengers trapped inside.

More than two hundred feet below the surface, engineer Will Kent and his eleven-year-old daughter Shannon are waist-deep in water and fighting for their lives.

Their only chance at survival is an elite rescue team on the surface led by professional diver Chris Kent—Shannon’s mother and Will’s soon-to-be ex-wife—who must work together with Will to find a way to save their daughter and rescue the passengers from the sealed airplane, which is now teetering on the edge of an undersea cliff.

There’s not much time.

There’s even less air.

With devastating emotional power and heart-stopping suspense, Drowning is an unforgettable thriller about a family’s desperate fight to save themselves and the people trapped with them—against impossible odds.

Ugh. Once again, had I been reading the print edition of Drowning, I probably would have quit after a few pages, but since I was listening to the audio, I stuck it out and finished the book. On the other hand, maybe if I had been reading the print copy, the story wouldn't have felt so melodramatic and soap opera-ish. It didn't help that the second reader (Laura Benanti) was too emotive and that her voice grated on my nerves. (I also have a hard time believing an eleven-year-old with a peanut allergy would mistake a cracker with peanut butter for one with cheese...) 

I listened to Falling (T.J. Newman's debut) in 2021, and thought it was very good, but her latest suspense novel was a big disappointment. I don't plan to read her upcoming release, Worst Case Scenario, which comes out in August. I've had my fill of plane crash stories for a while.

I received a complimentary copy from Libro.fm. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. I haven't read any books by this author, but know some have been quite popular. I agree that sometimes the audio vs. the print makes a big difference. There are some narrators that I just can't stand and can't listen to. Probably not a good match for you with the storyline. On to the next, right? LOL

    1. Kay, I usually listen to a sample of the audio before I decide to get it, but this one was a comp from Libro FM and since I enjoyed the first book so well, I assumed this one would be just as good. Nope! :)

  2. Vicki, I really wanted to love Drowning, but it was a miss for me. I hope you enjoy Worst Case Scenario.

  3. Oh, I was just looking at this one. I haven't read Falling, and I still think I will, but maybe not Drowning.

    1. Jenclair, I was sucked in when I read Falling. This one had me looking to see how much more I had to listen to. Maybe go with the print edition, if you do read Drowning.

  4. Oh no! I liked this one. But, I read it in print so didn't have the annoying voice to contend with. I agree that Falling was better though.

    1. Helen, the print edition is probably the way to go with this book. I feel like I've been a pretty harsh critic this month!

  5. I understand when you read something and can't abide getting the next book because of disappointment. I just now finished Major Pettigre's Last Stand and liked it very much. Otherwise, it's so HOT so I am in most of the day now. Lots of reading!

    1. Your weather sounds like it's unbearable, Tina. I know that I read more in the dark, cold, rainy winter months since I spend so much more time outside in the spring and summer here. We are just getting into the 60s with sunshine, so I'm out walking every day, as well as working in the yard. Of course, that's when I also listen to audiobooks, so that helps with my reading numbers.

      I've read Major Pettigrew's Last Stand twice (the second time was for book club), and thought it was pretty good. I have her new book (The Hazelbourne Ladies Motorcycle and Flying Club) on my shelves to read later in the year. My mom enjoyed it, so I'm looking forward to that one. Happy reading!

  6. I have this one on my TBR but have been putting it off. For one, I worry it will be too similar to her other book. And the other is that I'm afraid this book will make me feel claustrophobic. LOL I read the first book in print and will likely read this one in print too (since that's the copy I have). Newman's writing wasn't great in the first book, but I did enjoy the story quite a bit. It was a quick read. I am sorry this one didn't work as well for you. I imagine I'll notice the peanut butter cracker/cheese cracker mistake and wonder about it too.

    1. Wendy, it was similar in some ways, but not so much that it bothered me. I agree that Newman isn't the greatest writer, but she can build suspense. Sorry if the peanut butter incident was too much of a spoiler! Shame on me.

  7. Okay too bad about this 2nd one. I haven't gone to these plane crash plots -- I think they might make me more scared to fly. I'll likely visit my Dad in August and fly into Palm Springs.

    1. Susan, I rarely ever fly anymore, so that wasn't a concern, but I can understand your hesitancy. I'm sure your dad will love to see you again this summer. Hope he's doing well.

  8. Sorry you didn't care for this book. I listened to both Falling and Drowning as soon as they were released and LOVED both of them. I pre-ordered Worst Case Worst Case Scenario and will get it when it's released. I can't wait to listen to it!


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