October 13, 2024

Whistlers Campground (Jasper) - Day One & Two

Disclaimer: I am finally posting about our trip to Canada. Many of these photos were shared on Instagram & Facebook, so they may look familiar to you. Sorry for any confusion!

Canada Road Trip (Summer 2023)
June 18-22, 2023
Lake Louise to Jasper, Alberta, Canada
Daily Mileage: 383!
Site: 59A & 59C
Duration: 4 nights
Cost: $40.75/night
Weather: Sun, rain, and snow
Cell Coverage: 1-2 bars Verizon & TMobile (4 bars with WiBoost)

Day One 

We had quite the eventful departure day to Jasper. We woke to snow! And it wasn't just a dusting, but a heavy, wet snow that was accumulating quickly. Our friend Lou did some research and learned that the Icefields Parkway (our road to Jasper) was closed. He figured out the best route to get us to our destination, but (through no fault of Lou's) it added several hours and miles to our trip. Our two-hour drive turned into seven, with close to 400 miles in all. Having never driven the RV in winter conditions, I was a little nervous about the road (would there be ice??), but it was fine. Really, no different than driving in rainy conditions. And, we spotted a bear! Finally! It was an exhausting day, but after settling in at Whistlers campground, we drove into Jasper for a wonderful dinner at Earl's

Day Two

We awoke to more snow! And, the main power to the campground went out! It eventually came back on, and the snow turned to rain, so I went grocery shopping in town. Spent the afternoon drying out my wet sneakers, catching up on some emails, and relaxed with a book. After the previous day's drive, it was nice to have a somewhat relaxing day at "home."

Note: When I composed this post, the Jasper National Park fire was still active. We are heartbroken for the residents, businesses and staff who call Jasper their home. Such a terrible loss in one of Canada's beautiful national parks.

It was beautiful! 
Too bad we had to leave.

Fun times preparing for departure. 
I had to climb the slippery RV ladder to push 
the snow off of our slide-out topper with a broom. 
We now travel with a snow shovel and ice scraper.

A bear! Just to the right of our friends' RV.

Yes, that's a bear. 
The black blob. Really.
I'm easily entertained.

Oh, there were also elk.

Our campground for the next 
few days. Hope the snow ends soon!


  1. Snow in June. Wow. And it's a log of snow. I am glad you have a sturdy truck that keeps you safe on the road.

    1. Helen, I guess it's not unheard of up in that area. The RV truck (not the big black one in one photo) is sturdy and did a fine job of keeping us on the road. :) I wouldn't want to drive in deep snow without 4wheel drive, and fortunately there wasn't much in the way of accumulation on the streets. I suppose the worst thing that could have happened is we'd have to stay put (in that beautiful campground!). :)

  2. Oh gosh, I remember the snow, and thinking of you all out there. lol. June in Canada! It was hard that you had to drive 7 hours around and missed the Icefields Parkway. The fire to Jasper, which burned one third of the town this year, was awful. Apparently it started by lightning. I love your photos .... wet wet snow.

    1. Susan, and to think a few weeks prior to our trip, we were concerned about the fires. Mother Nature. Gotta love her! We did eventually get down the Icefields Parkway a few days later.


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