April 13, 2020

Music Monday - Hello In There

Music Monday! My recent video (on Facebook) of Rod and friends playing music in our driveway got me to thinking about the joys of listening to music. During this period of "sheltering in place," I thought it would be fun to share a personal music video on Mondays. My hope is that some of my family and friends will join in with their own videos for a virtual music tour. Today's selection is in memory of the late John Prine.

Rest, nature, books, music... Such is my idea of happiness. ~ Leo Tolstoy


  1. I love this! Music is so healing and uplifting. Nice voice and guitar work, Rod. I've been playing a lot while we're sequestered here in north Florida. In Ashland and on Lopez Island we had weekly music jams...I'm missing that. Keep on posting those music videos!

    1. Thanks, Laurel. I pass your comments on to Rod. He's been missing his weekly jam sessions and the two friends that play with him have figured out a way to practice in the driveway, keeping a safe distance from one another. The only challenge is being able to hear each other as they play. ;)


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