September 20, 2023

20 Books of Summer Reading Challenge Results - 2023


I love the 20 Books of Summer Reading Challenge and this summer was the fourth year that I've participated. I like to wait until the fall equinox (September 23rd) rather than Labor Day to finish up the challenge, giving myself three extra weeks to complete my goals, but we had visitors this past weekend, followed by a month-long road trip that began a couple of days ago. So, I decided that I better wrap it up now before life gets busier!

This year I chose 20 novels, many of which have been in my stacks for well over a decade. I had so many DNF'd titles in this collection, but it's nice to have finally sampled them and cleared them off my shelves. I had high hopes for a few, but I started those shortly after reading Tom Lake, which may have set up any book for failure. 

In addition to the books on my original list, I added a few others, including a couple of audiobooks. I wound up reading 16 books (see image below), but gave up on a dozen. Overall, I'm very pleased with my results. I won't link to each review (they're all available on this blog), but here are the final ratings:

Three 5-star books
Four 4.5-star books
Five 4-star books
One 3.5-star book
Two 3-star books
One 2-star books

For past posts (and results) about this challenge, click here. 


  1. I really enjoyed a couple of your DNFs (Thursday Murder Club and Invisible Husband). I do think getting books off your shelves, even if you DNF, feels good. Now they won't be staring at you any more. I have a fair number that I should stop avoiding and just give them a go.

    1. Helen, my mom and my husband have enjoyed the Thursday Murder Club books, but for some reason, I couldn't get interested. Reading challenges are always a good way for me to focus on the books on my shelves. Next up, the Nonfiction challenge in November!

  2. Well done, Les!

    1. Thanks, JoAnn. There were some winners in the bunch!

  3. That's an impressive number of books and I agree with Helen, it's good to get some off the shelf that have been waiting. In your DNF I have only read the Maeve Binchy books and I'll say, those weren't my favorites of Binchy's books.

    Loved The Light Pirate. I'm thinking Harper is wrapping up the Aaron Falk series and I'll be sad to see him retire, if that's what she's planned. I read a few others you finished as well and on the shelf is a Susan Hill book, waiting on me :-)

    1. Tina, I was pleased to have so many highly rated books in the bunch! I'm enjoying Susan Hill's series and have one with me on our current road trip. We'll see if I get around to any reading!

  4. You did a good job! I joined this challenge because I thought it would bring me out of my reading slump. It did not!

    1. Thanks, Vicki. Sorry the challenge didn't help get you out of your reading slump. :(

  5. You had a great summer challenge and got thru a lot. I finished 7 of 15 on my summer list, which isn't that great, but I still would like to finish the others. Non-List books often sneak into my reading then I don't finish the list. But I think most of my fun is in making up my List each summer. I like choosing possibilities .... don't you? I almost thought of making a Fall List since it was such fun ... I have read 5 from your top summer list and 1 on your DNF list.

    1. Susan, it really helps to have a selected stack of books to focus on during the summer. I'll do the same for Nonfiction November, although my TBR stacks for nonfiction isn't quite as large. I agree that the fun lies in the planning... just like planning trips. The end results are good too, though! Speaking of trips, I know you are leaving soon. Have a fun time cycling in Italy!

    2. thanks Lesley. it should be a blast. Lol.

  6. It's a bummer to have DNFs but like you said, great opportunity to clear off the shelves and move on to other books. You did great and I like the idea of extending the time line for the challenge :) I only finished 4 out of my 10 but also got a couple of shelf sitters cleared out.

    1. Iliana, I like that term "shelf sitters." I always feel good about clearing some of them out every summer. Many of the ones I chose this summer had been languishing for over a decade!

  7. I love making lists of what I hope to read for the summer, and I feel no shame in removing a title that isn't working for me from my list. Your list was generally top-notch this year, filled with titles you loved, for the most part.

    I've just made a similar list for fall, and I'll post it tomorrow.

  8. Deb, I love making lists, too. I'm looking forward to compiling one for Nonfiction November, which is coming up quickly!


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