December 13, 2023

A Question of Identity


A Question of Identity by Susan Hill
Simon Serrallier #7
2012 Overlook Press
Finished on December 10, 2023
Rating: 4/5 (Good)

Publisher's Blurb:

A particularly unpleasant murder, that of a very old woman in a housing project, rocks the town of Lafferton. The murderer has left a distinctive "sign" on the body and at the scene of crime. A couple of weeks later, a similar murder occurs, and a month or so later, so does another.

Initial investigations discover that the mysterious "sign" left on the body was the calling card of a suspect who was charged with several murders in the northwest of the country, tried but acquitted on the grounds of insufficient evidence. All indications suggest that this person has simply vanished. Or is he right under their noses? Simon Serrailler is obliged to delve deeper and scratch out answers, in this addictive mystery of surpassing darkness by the bestselling Susan Hill.

Another solid mystery in Susan Hill's Simon Serrallier series. I never did guess the killer, in spite of a few clues early on. This particular book felt a bit more intense than some of her others. Maybe the elderly victims, who appear so vulnerable and trusting, made me think of some of my friends and relatives who are living alone. I have the next two books in this series ready to go, but I think I'll hold off until after the holidays. I need to read something a little bit lighter!


  1. I've enjoyed your reviews of this series. I read the first 8 books in 2015 and then read #9 in 2019. And I haven't caught up since that time. I want to do that maybe in 2024. I did read my thoughts on this book and was amused at how long my review was. Back then, I seem to have written more detail regarding the books and my reading. Ha! Anyway, I did like this one, but I also said that I didn't like some of the ways that the story was told. I think reading something a bit lighter seems like a good plan, Les. LOL

    1. Thanks, Kay. I'm anxious to read the next books in the series, but I'm going to be sorry when I'm all caught up! I know what you mean about how long your reviews used to be. Mine are much shorter now, too. Well, unless it's a novel that has a lot of quotes that I want to share, but for mystery series, there's not a lot to say without giving too much away. I'll have to pop over and read your thoughts on this one.

  2. Not my kind of book your I'm glad you enjoyed it!

    1. Vicki, I really did! I'll start the next book in the series in a couple of weeks.

  3. I have the first one in the series based on your recommendatiion and it sounds like my kinda book! You wouldn't believe the stack I have from the librarry right now and I was waiting to start this series. Great review!

    1. Tina, I hope you enjoy this series as much as I have. I love to watch the main set of characters grow and evolve. The mysteries are secondary. :)

  4. I am woefully behind on visiting blogs, having my daughter home seems to have taken me way from anything reading/blogging/visiting. I am sneaking it in while she sleeps this morning. Not guessing the murderer is the sign of a good msytery/thriller. I haven't read anything by this author.

    1. Helen, it's a busy time of year, so no worries about blog-hopping! This was a good mystery. I really enjoy Susan Hill's series.

  5. This does sound intense! After reading your reviews of these I think I need to give this series another try. I have loved some of Susan Hill's standalone books!

    1. Iliana, I've tried a few of Hill's standalones and prefer the books in her series. I'm having fun reading one or two a month.


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