June 8, 2024

A Change of Circumstance


A Change of Circumstance by Susan Hill
Simon Serrailler #11
Finished on June 6, 2024
Rating: 3/5 (Good)

Publisher's Blurb:

In this newest installment of Susan Hill’s electrifying crime series, Simon Serrailler finds himself in devastating new territory as a sophisticated drug network sets its sights on Lafferton.

Susan Hill is back with A Change of Circumstance, the eleventh book in the acclaimed mystery series featuring the enigmatic and brooding chief police inspector Simon Serrailler. DCS Serrailler has long regarded drugs ops in Lafferton as a waste of time. The small-time dealers picked up outside the local high school can’t—or won’t—turn in any valuable names, so they're merely given a fine and the trail runs cold. But when the body of a 22-year-old drug addict is found in neighboring Starley, the case pulls Serrailler into the underbelly of an elaborate drug running operation that pushes narcotics out from the cities, into the suburbs, and right down to villages. The foot soldiers? Vulnerable local kids like Brookie and Olivia, whose involvement gives Serrailler a bitter taste of this new landscape. It’s a harsh winter in Lafferton, and with struggles both at home and on the job, Serrailler soon learns that even the familiar can hold shocking surprises. . . .

With A Change of Circumstance, Hill delivers yet another gripping piece of the Serrailler canon. Written in the tradition of the fabulous mysteries of Ruth Rendell and P. D. James, this newest case is sure to enthrall new fans and surprise old ones in what is a captivating new addition to a highly acclaimed series.

I have spent the past year or so reading this entertaining series by Susan Hill and I am finally caught up. As with most mystery series (Louise Penny's, Deborah Crombie's, etc.), some installments are better than others. Regrettably, this most recent book was not my favorite. The first half of the book was plodding and uneven, and at times I grew weary of Simon's tortured inner thoughts about life and where he was heading. The mystery was fine, and as usual, the familial relationships played front and center, but even those left me bored and wanting more depth. Hill leaves her readers with yet another cliffhanger that had me shaking my head in frustration. It's been over two years since her last publication, and I can't help but wonder how many more she has remaining to write. Sadly, A Change of Circumstance was somewhat of a disappointment. 


  1. OK, well, that catches you up with this series, right? I know I've told you more than once that I haven't yet read the last two books, but that series is on my mind for this summer. We'll see how I like those books when I get them read. I'm curious too about how many more she might write with these characters. Hmmmm.....

    1. Yep, I'm all caught up on this series, Kay. I know you have a couple remaining to read, and I'm sorry I'm not more enthusiastic about those two books. I have a feeling Hill may be finished with this series. She's 82 and while the mysteries are ok, the books feel pretty formulaic. I do hope that Deborah Crombie will publish a new one soon, though. Now to look through my stacks and see which series I want to start to read from beginning to end. I have several old Martha Grimes' books, a few more of Elly Griffiths, some of William Kent Kreuger's, a Henning Mankel or two, and some Margaret Maron. Maybe I should just read one of each and see where that leads me. :)

  2. Inconsistency - that's why I don't often read a series. If I could, I would like to never again read a so-so book. I think it's almost inevitable when you read a series. Sorry this one was a bit of a disappointment.

    1. Deb, that makes sense. I've been giving up on a lot of books this year, but for some reason, I do stick it out with the books in a favorite series.

  3. I've read and enjoyed a couple of the Simon Serrailer series and that was nearly ten years ago. At the time, I intended to start at the beginning and read through them--which obviously hasn't happened. Maybe at some point, I will make the effort to start at the beginning a read more. Some series tend to become too familiar over time, sometimes I think the authors are tired of them. It would be stressful for an author to feel required to keep writing, creating new mysteries for the MC to solve.

    1. Jenclair, I do think this series has become somewhat tired and I won't be disappointed if the author doesn't write any more. With that said, I will still read the next book, just in case it's a winner. You just never know!

  4. Too bad this one isn't as good as the others. I often feel that way with a series that has a number of mysteries in it.

    1. Helen, I think this series has run its course. Time (for me) to move on to something fresh and new.

  5. Maybe Simon has run his course ... but what if the next one is a lot better? hmm. That's the dilemma. Still it seems you're likely right and it might be played out.?

    1. Susan, I know! Her next book, should there be one, may be the best of the best!


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