July 16, 2024

The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle


The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle by Matt Cain
Narrated by Simon Vance
Finished on July 10, 2024
Rating: 4/5 (Very Good)

Publisher's Blurb:

Albert Entwistle is a private man with a quiet, simple life. He lives alone with his cat Gracie. And he’s a postman. At least he was a postman until, three months before his sixty-fifth birthday, he receives a letter from the Royal Mail thanking him for decades of service and stating he is being forced into retirement.

At once, Albert’s sole connection with his world unravels. Every day as a mail carrier, he would make his way through the streets of his small English town, delivering letters and parcels and returning greetings with a quick wave and a “how do?” Without the work that fills his days, what will be the point? He has no friends, family, or hobbies—just a past he never speaks of, and a lost love that fills him with regret.

And so, rather than continue his lonely existence, Albert forms a brave plan to start truly living. It’s finally time to be honest about who he is. To seek the happiness he’s always denied himself. And to find the courage to look for George, the man that, many years ago, he loved and lost—but has never forgotten. As he does, something extraordinary happens. Albert finds unlikely allies, new friends, and proves it’s never too late to live, to hope, and to love.

Fans of A Man Called Ove, The Guncle, and Meredith, Alone will enjoy this sweet, touching story of self-discovery, friendship, and community. The novel's main theme of being a gay teenager when it wasn't acceptable (and when it was also illegal) is enlightening, and is also presented in the audiobook's bonus material in which the author interviews several men who experienced discrimination as gays in the 1950-1970s. The details of Albert and George's budding romance are handled tastefully, and Albert is an endearing character whom I was cheering on from the very start. His self-acceptance and growth are admirable and heartwarming. There were moments when I was certain I knew how one or two scenarios would play out, and I was pleasantly surprised that my suspicions were incorrect.

I've listened to several books narrated by Simon Vance and he is an absolute perfect reader for this book. Each character is distinguishable from the others, and Vance's ability to switch between male and female characters is remarkable.

Highly recommend. 

I received a complimentary copy from Libro.fm. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. This sounds like a book I would enjoy. I am always delighted to see characters who begin to live big lives after living small ones!

    1. Deb, this is definitely that sort of book!

  2. Great review, Les. I enjoyed this book and Maeredith Alone as well.

    1. Thanks, Tina. It was a good book to listen to while I walked.

  3. I've heard Simon Vance is a really good audio book narrator. It makes such a difference. This book sounds lovely.

    1. Helen, Vance is really a great narrator! One of my favorites, for sure. As far as the book, I hate to use the word "sweet," but that was my reaction when I finished. Simply a sweet story that I thoroughly enjoyed!

  4. I keep eyeing this one on my TBR shelf, thinking I need to read it. It' sounds so good--perfect for when I want a pick me up type story.

    1. Wendy, this was one that surprised me with its positive message. Very enjoyable!

  5. Cute book cover. I hadn't seen this one before but the audio sounds good. I'm always glad when characters are no longer lonely ...

    1. Susan, I thought the same thing about the cover art. I'll probably read more by this author.


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