September 1, 2024

A Month in Summary - August 2024

Marys Peak
Siuslaw National Forest, Oregon
August 2024
Summer is winding down, but you wouldn't know it by the temperature. We hit 70 this past week, which is balmy for us! The locals say September is the best month on the coast, but we're always on the road and miss the "second summer." It's a trade off, since we really prefer to travel in our RV once school has resumed and the campgrounds aren't quite as crowded. This year, we're heading to Wyoming, specifically Grand Teton National Park. I'm not sure how much time I'll have to read, so while I'm away, I'm going to (finally!) start posting about our trip to Canada last year. It's been fun looking back through all of the photos I took on that epic trip, and I hope you enjoy the posts. 

Speaking of reading, I had a pretty decent month with one outstanding thriller and several very good novels. There was only one book that was ho-hum, but the setting of that one kept me reading.

Books Read (click on the title for my review):

The Wedding People by Alison Espach (4/5)

Bear by Julia Phillips (3/5)

How to Read a Book by Monica Wood (4/5)

The Golden Couple by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen (4.5/5)

The River We Remember by William Kent Krueger (4/5)

Movies & TV Series:

The Lincoln Lawyer (Season 2) - This is an enjoyable show, although it's pretty light, and at times silly. 

Your Honor (Season Two) - Excellent follow-up to the first season, although I didn't care for the last episode.

Bodies - A time travel mystery! Very good, but I spent too much time trying to sort out the various timelines.

Ripley - Outstanding cinematography! I loved this show. I haven't watched anything this good in a long time. Highly recommend!


We so enjoyed our visit with long-time friends from Lincoln, Nebraska. We walked out to our bluff to look for whales before heading out for lunch at a local brewery (Pelican Brewing Co.). The weather couldn't have been better. Thanks for spending the day with us, Sandy & Rick!


Hiking has become my new obsession passion! I went with friends on five hikes in August for a total of 31 miles. We hiked in the coastal mountains, as well as on long stretches of the beach. My favorites were at Cape Perpetua and Marys Peak, both of which are in the Siuslaw National Forest. I walk a lot in my neighborhood, but it's especially great to get outside and discover to trails with epic views. Think I'm ready for the Pacific Crest Trail? 😃

Moolack Beach, OR

Mike Miller Park Trail

Cook's Ridge & Gwynn Creek Loop Trail
Cape Perpetua, OR

Molly & Me

Ona Beach State Park, OR

North of Seal Rock, OR

Marys Peak, OR

Me with my buddies, Dennis & Nancy

Reminder: Future (scheduled) posts will be of our previous trip (June 2023) to Alberta & British Columbia. We are heading out to Wyoming, so I won't be posting much while we're on the road.


  1. Lovely photos and looks like you have been having a great deal of fun. I've not seen any of the tv shows nor read the books but have my list of books to round up...hopefully soon!

    1. Thanks, Tina. It's been a fun-filled summer! Of all the shows we watched in August, I highly recommend Ripley. It's soooooo good!

  2. Les, first of all, hope you guys have a great trip. Will look forward to hearing about it. Your pictures of your hikes are great! Glad you are enjoying those. Take care and Happy September!!

    1. Thanks, Kay. We brought the RV home yesterday and will spend the next few days getting it packed and ready to head out on Thursday. I think I started planning this trip six months ago, so I'm ready to hit the road!

  3. Your hiking photos are stunning! I think that's a great new passion. We always waited until September for our 'Great Western Adventures', too... so much nicer after school has started. Just this past week I was lamenting the fact that we haven't done one of those trips since pre-covid. Remodeling, hurricanes, and wedding have slowed us down, but we're already thinking about next fall. Have a great trip!!

    1. Thanks, JoAnn! It was a great month for getting outside and exploring new locations. I hope you guys can take another "Great Western Adventure" in 2025. The fun is in the planning, so you have time. :)

  4. You have such beautiful scenery near you from oceans to forests, how lucky!

    I just got a William Kent Kruger novel and am looking forward to it.

    1. We really are lucky to live here, Helen! Enjoy the Krueger book!

  5. Your hikes are terrific and these are stunning photos! Once I get my other knee fixed I think I can try hiking again. I hope you have a great time in Wyoming, woohoo! The Tetons are magnificent. September is a great month ... and we already have bits of yellow on some of the leaves ... ha. I look forward to your posts about last summer's trip ...

    1. Good luck with your other knee, Susan! Do you have a set date for your surgery? I'm looking forward to seeing some fall colors, but I'll just be happy with cooler temps. Where we are heading in the first week is going to be super hot! Upper 90s. Ugh. I've been working on more of my blog posts from last summer's trip and came across notes from our drive on Hwy 1 from Golden to Emerald Lake through Kicking Horse Canyon. What an achievement to have that section of the highway completed!

    2. Yeah we haven't be on Hwy 1 this year but it's great if it's finally finished. That canyon is quite pretty as you wind from Golden back towards Lake Louise. Your photos will be great to see. I don't have a surgery date yet but I think it will be in November. It usually takes around 3 months or more for recovery. Fingers crossed.

    3. November will be a good time for surgery & recovery. Take care, Susan!

  6. So many wonderful photos of your adventures!! I dream of hiking again. Someday. I am so much stronger now. Oh, my reading has been so good. Sandwich by Newman is making me smile from ear to ear and All the Colors of the Dark is so good but so, so similar to The Return of Ellie Black. I am pondering hosting a read-along for Of Human Bondage. I've never read it and a few showed an interest in joining me.

    1. I hope you get to start hiking again, Ti. I so enjoy being outside walking either in the woods or on a long stretch of beach. I'm glad you are feeling stronger since your surgery.

      Oh, Sandwich is such a good book! I loved it and hope to read it a second time. I'm looking forward to reading All the Colors of the Dark. I don't know anything about The Return of Ellie Black... Good luck with the read-along for Of Human Bondage. I've never read it, but I'm not very good with read-alongs. I'm always lagging far behind the others in the group.


I may not answer your comments in a timely fashion, but I always answer. Check back soon!