September 12, 2024

Spokane KOA (Spokane, Washington)

Disclaimer: I am finally posting about our trip to Canada, while we are currently on a trip to Wyoming. Many of these photos were shared on Instagram & Facebook, so they may look familiar to you. Sorry for any confusion!

Canada Road Trip (Summer 2023)
June 1, 2023
Walla Walla to Spokane, Washington
Daily Mileage: 168
Site: J1
Duration: 1 night
Cost: $80
Weather: Sunny
Cell Coverage: 1-2 bars Verizon; 4 bars TMobile
WiFi: Available, but not very good

We're not big fans of KOAs, but this was fine for one night. Sites are close together, and the gravel roads throughout the campground create a lot of dust. Noise from the train tracks and road (just on the other side of the fence by our site) made for a restless night. The park looks tired and in need of an upgrade. On the plus side, the showers were decent; free and unlimited hot water. And, the drive from Walla Walla was pretty.


  1. Oh my! I had no idea how much a KOA costs now. I remember staying there a time or two when my family and I traveled in our camper back when I was a girl.

    1. Yes, KOAs are pretty pricy these days. We're actually in one right now (in Arco, Idaho). It cost $55 for night, which is how much we paid for our site in Mountain Home, Idaho the night before last. That RV resort was very nice, with many more amenities (even pickleball courts!), which makes me wonder how KOAs can stay in business. Most of them are pretty tired-looking.

  2. Love the little bird on the mirror!

    1. Helen, I've always loved Goldfinchs. We don't see them too often on the OR coast, so I was happy to spot this little guy in WA.


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