September 15, 2024

Townsite Campground (Waterton National Park, Alberta) - Day One

Disclaimer: I am finally posting about our trip to Canada, while we are currently on a trip to Wyoming. Many of these photos were shared on Instagram & Facebook, so they may look familiar to you. Sorry for any confusion!

Canada Road Trip (Summer 2023)
June 4-7, 2023
Columbia Falls, Montana to Waterton National Park, Alberta, Canada
Daily Mileage: 181
Site: A49
Duration: 4 nights
Cost: $35
Weather: Sunny (80s)
Cell Coverage: 3-4 bars Verizon & TMobile

Day One

We loved this national park in Alberta! The drive from Columbia Falls was beautiful, and we enjoyed seeing familiar sights along the way from our previous trip to Glacier National Park. Crossing the border was uneventful and I was sorry that I didn't pack more frozen homemade meals. After so much research and careful planning, we were never asked about any food items! Before heading to Waterton, we stopped in Cardston for groceries and Canadian cash at a nearby bank.

After our arrival and set-up at the campground, we walked around the small town of Waterton, checking things out before getting a delicious pizza and beer at a local pizza joint.

The views of the surrounding mountains are stunning from Townsite Campground and we spent a lot of time sitting outside admiring the shifting sunlight and shadows on the huge rocky formations. 

The campground has a lot of green space, and our site was especially nice, backing up on a small creek. We could easily spend a week there, relaxing, reading, going for walks, etc.

Somewhere in Montana, north of Glacier National Park

Cameron Creek

Mount Crandall

Prince of Wales Hotel & Restaurant

Vimy Peak


  1. Beautiful! Must have been amazing to see in person!

    1. Vicki, it was! We kept remarking how beautiful the mountains were, and how wonderful it was to camp with them in full view.

  2. Interesting about the border crossing. Glad they didn't hassle you. I think they once asked us what was in our dog food ... like what? They were avoiding some kind. Looks like a relaxing time.

    1. Susan, I remember reading about pet food in one of the many lists/forums about crossing the border. So much depends on which border crossing you go to, and how particular the agents are feeling. It was a very relaxing time in Waterton. I'd go back tomorrow!


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