September 16, 2024

Waterton National Park - Day Two

Disclaimer: I am finally posting about our trip to Canada, while we are currently on a trip to Wyoming. Many of these photos were shared on Instagram & Facebook, so they may look familiar to you. Sorry for any confusion!

Canada Road Trip (Summer 2023)
June 4-7, 2023
Columbia Falls, Montana to Waterton National Park, Alberta, Canada
Daily Mileage: 181
Site: A49
Duration: 4 nights
Cost: $35
Weather: Sunny (80s)
Cell Coverage: 3-4 bars Verizon & TMobile

Day Two

After stopping at the visitor center and dropping off some outgoing mail at the Post Office, I met up with Lou & Shannon to hike Bear's Hump. The trail isn't long (1.5 miles), but it's quite steep (711 foot elevation gain). Living on the Oregon coast, I'm no longer used to the heat, so I took in the view at every opportunity while catching my breath.

After our hike, I walked to Cameron Falls, which is a short distance from the campground. Getting my second wind, I decided to wander around Waterton Village, as well.

View of Mount Crandall 
(and Bear's Hump) from our dinette

Community Center

Waterton Park and Lakes

View of Emerald Bay and Prince of Wales Hotel

Vimy Peak

We made it!

I spy our RV!
(Far right middle)

A well-earned beer!

My favorite camper

Vimy Peak


  1. You can see a lot from the top of the hike, wonderful! Great perspective to see the whole area and the geology. A great visit to the town. Gorgeous.

    1. Susan, the view from the top of Bear's Hump was fabulous. We spent some time just relaxing (catching our breath) and taking in the scenery before heading back down.


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