September 17, 2024

Waterton National Park, Day Three

Disclaimer: I am finally posting about our trip to Canada, while we are currently on a trip to Wyoming. Many of these photos were shared on Instagram & Facebook, so they may look familiar to you. Sorry for any confusion!

Canada Road Trip (Summer 2023)
June 4-7, 2023
Columbia Falls, Montana to Waterton National Park, Alberta, Canada
Daily Mileage: 181
Site: A49
Duration: 4 nights
Cost: $35
Weather: Sunny (80s)
Cell Coverage: 3-4 bars Verizon & TMobile

Day Three

After a lazy morning and breakfast, I decided to walk into town for a second coffee, and then over to Cameron Falls, which isn't far from the campground. The falls were impressively loud and beautiful, and I was surprised there weren't more people around.

Later that afternoon, the four of us took a boat cruise, hoping to see some wildlife. We were out of luck, but it was still a pretty ride out on the water.

We enjoyed drinks and dinner in the Windsor Lounge & Wine Bar at the Prince of Wales Hotel. Great food and views!

We're used to tsunami signage where we live, 
so this was something different!

Waterton Shoreline Cruise
75-minute non-landing Canada-US border excursion. 

Lou & Shannon

Forest cutline between Canada 
and the United States (49th parallel)


Prince of Wales Hotel

Delicious cocktails!

Outstanding wild mushroom stroganoff

Shepherd's Pie

Dessert! Apple & cinnamon pastries with ice cream.


  1. Lovely! I was thinking it felt a bit British then realized you were in Canada. That hotel and the surrounding area look wonderful.

    1. Yep, a lot of British vibe in the area! ;)

  2. The mountain views around the lake are magnificent! Bravo. Glad you took the cruise on the lake and tested the Prince of Wales beverages. Waterton is often the quiet side to Glacier.

    1. Susan, the views were so lovely! The lake cruise was fun, but we were a little disappointed that we didn't spot any wildlife. Yes, Waterton is quite a bit quieter than Glacier, but in the off-season they seemed pretty comparable.


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