October 5, 2024

Watch Us Shine


Watch Us Shine by Marisa de los Santos
Love Walked In #4
Finished on October 1, 2024
Rating: 3/5 (Good)

Publisher's Blurb:

“Bring me the Northern Lights.”

Cornelia Brown is reeling from a terrifying act of violence when she gets word that her mother has been badly injured in an accident. Cornelia returns to Virginia, to the house she grew up in, and in the weeks that follow, she watches her mother Ellie struggle to recover, fluctuating between her usual crisp, can-do clarity and periods of delirium during which she seems haunted by a devastating loss from her past. In grief-stricken tones, Ellie begs Cornelia to bring her the Northern Lights, and despite her confusion at this mysterious plea, Cornelia vows to do so: “She was my mother and she wanted the Northern Lights; I was her daughter and would have given her anything, anything.”

With the help of her prickly sister, Ollie, Cornelia embarks on a mission to piece together the lost years of their mother’s life: people, places, and events spanning Ellie’s late teens through her mid-twenties. Cornelia and Ollie’s quest takes them to unexpected places and into the worlds of strangers whose lives Ellie touched and irrevocably changed. As the sisters uncover truths about their mother’s life—some beautiful, some ugly, some tragic—Cornelia herself begins to heal, to forgive herself, and to find her way back home.

Alternating between two timelines—Cornelia’s story in the present, and that of the young Eleanor Campbell in the 1960s—Watch Us Shine explores the complicated bonds between sisters, the impossible demands of motherhood, and the power of human love to save us again and again.

I've been a fan of Marisa de los Santos since I read Belong to Me in 2008. I gave up on one of her novels (Falling Together), but her Love Walked In series earned high ratings from me, and I was excited to start reading this latest installment. And yet, Watch Us Shine wasn't nearly as good as I'd hoped for. I grew impatient for the big reveal about the violent act Cornelia experienced, and felt that it was unnecessary to tease it out so slowly. The characters were likeable enough, and the alternating timelines were interesting and easy to keep up with, but it's been a long time since I read the earlier books in this series. I eventually gave up trying to remember Cornelia's friends and extended family members from those novels. It would probably be best to read these in order without such large gaps of time in-between.

While not a book that I'll keep to read a second time (nor one that I would thrust into someone's hands, imploring them to read it), Watch Us Shine was entertaining enough to finish. Good, but not remarkable.


  1. I've not heard of this author. Interesting plot but seems you liked the earlier books more.

  2. I think it's strange to finish a book such as this one. Not bad enough to stop reading, but not great so you aren't compelled to dedicate long stretches of time to it.


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