November 1, 2023

A Month in Summary - October 2023

Sooke River Campground
Sooke, British Columbia, Canada
October 2023

Another brief summary, as we've been busy getting settled after our adventure on Vancouver Island, as well as hosting more friends and family here in Little Whale Cove. Our trip on "Van Isle" was everything we had hoped for, and I have no doubt that we'll return in the not too distant future.

I read even less in October than in September, and have given up on several audiobooks, still waiting for something that will hold my attention. I may need to take a break from listening to books until after the holidays. 

Books Read (click on the title for my review):

Fellowship Point by Alice Elliott Dark (5/5)

The Shadows in the Street by Susan Hill (4/5)

Movies & TV Series:

Not only has my reading taken a dive, but we haven't watched anything in the way of movies or TV series since we got home. We've been watching a lot of MLB, first cheering for the Los Angeles Dodgers, and after they lost their chance to be in the World Series, we switched our allegiance to the Texas Rangers. 


Deb, Dean, Rod and Me

Our great friends from Nebraska have been on the road in their RV for a couple of months and we were so happy they were able to spend a couple of days hanging out with us. We had a wonderful time catching up and hope it won't be another six years before we get together again!

Mom's sister and brother

Libby, Alison, Mom, Georgie, and Rick

Shortly after Deb & Dean's visit, my mom's brother, sister-in-law, sister and niece arrived for a few days. We had such a nice time catching up and reminiscing, and after a bit of damp weather, the sun did eventually come out. 

With the holidays rapidly approaching, things may get a little quiet around here. I am hoping to share a few "Wordless Wednesday" posts with photos from our trip, but we'll see how that goes.


  1. Wow fun pics! And the ocean shots at top & bottom are mesmerizing. Your family & mom's family look so nice & happy. I think they're glad to be visiting. My reading in October took a great plunge as well. Just too busy & distracted by life, but let's hope November goes better. I had to listen to one audio twice to get a handle on it. So that takes a lot of time. I guess certain stories are much better on audio than others. Are you staying put for Nov. or doing any travels? Cheers.

    1. Thanks, Susan. I always wonder if anyone notices my header, especially those who read my posts via a blog reader rather than visiting my actual website.

      Yes, we have been so happy to have friends and family visiting this year. I think we're up to 43 visitors with 2 more arriving in a couple of weeks. And that's just in 7 months!

      I think I've finally found a good audiobook (Quiet by Susan Cain) that I can stick with.

      We're staying put through the holidays and rainy season. We're hoping to get back out in the RV in early 2024, if we get a nice dry spell and can head north for a week or so.

  2. I also loved the header photo. So vivid! And I recognize that bench in another photo. So glad you guys had a good trip recently and also so happy about so many family and friends being able to visit with all of you. I am planning on getting a note off to you and Teri and Nan soon. Also to update my blog. This move has been a bit overwhelming in a few ways - not bad but different. Seemed like it took forever. Anyway, we are finally getting to the point where we are mostly settled. My reading has been slow, slow, slow, but that seems to be the word for 2023. Hopefully, 2024 will be a bit better in that regard.

    1. Thanks, Kay. We had some big surf a couple of weeks ago. Not a "king tide" but pretty big waves. Yes, we are very happy that so many people could come and visit this year (helping my mom celebrate her 90th throughout the year!). Glad you are getting settled in your new home. Yes, 2024 should be a bit calmer for you, I would think. xoxo

  3. Les, I can easily see why you haven't read as much as usual---you've been enjoying the company of friends and family, and that's wonderful, I think.

    I'm glad to see how much you enjoyed Fellowship Point. That's a big book, so in my mind it really counts for two reads. And there you go! So you really read more than you thought.

    1. You're right, Deb. Fellowship Point should count for two books! Not only did I read more than I thought, but I savored the story, reading slowly and with intention. I'm trying to do more of that than just zip through my books.

  4. You've been having such a fabulous time! The scenery is stunning, and the smiles on all your faces show how much you all enjoy being together.

    1. Helen, it's definitely been a great year! Wonderful travels and fun visits with friends & family.

  5. October looks like an excellent month! The nature photos are gorgeous and I always love seeing the smiling faces... many happy memories. What your reading may have lacked in quantity was more than made up for in quality. Fellowship Point may have dragged a bit in the middle for me (think I rated it 4.5 stars) but more than a year later I still think about the two main characters and their amazing friendship. Happy November, Les!

    1. Thanks so much, JoAnn. Yes, lots of happy memories were created this year. More family arriving next week for a grand total of 43 visitors in 2023. Amazing! I'm still thinking about the two main characters in Fellowship Point, too. I may give the audio a try for a second reading... someday.

  6. I love reading about your adventures, and seeing your long friendships. Your photographs as gorgeous as ever, and I must tell you, the ones of the ocean are always my favorite. I need more of the ocean in my life! Bellezza

    1. Thanks, Meredith! We are pretty spoiled to live so close to the ocean.

  7. That's such a beautiful header photo. I am glad you had such a nice trip and are enjoying being home. So many great photos! Have a great week, Les, and a wonderful November.

    1. Thanks, Wendy. It was quite a spectacular day for big waves! Thanks for visiting. Hope you have a lovely week.

  8. I used to love watching MLB and we planned our October vacations around playoffs, stayed at St George Island and rented a beach condo. We'd get pizza and watch the games. I miss that.

    Great header!! Nan who writes at the blog Letters from a Hill Farm changes her header out and keeps a tab on her blog, stating what the photo is from.
    My reading slump has faded, thankfully, and I'm misxing it up with mysteries, nonfiction and more.

    1. Hey, Tina! Good to hear from you.

      St. George Island sounds like a fun spot. I think it's where my brother and his family occasionally visit.

      I follow Nan (have known her since pre-blogging days, way back in 1997) and know about her tab for her headers. I used to do something similar in my sidebar, but didn't keep it up for very long.

      Glad you are out of your reading slump! Take care.


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