June 3, 2024

A Month in Summary - May 2024

Little Whale Cove
Depoe Bay, Oregon
May 2024

This is my most favorite time of year! The days are getting longer, the temps are getting warmer, the rain isn't as frequent, and between visitors, we're getting out for some short road trips. Life is good! Meanwhile, my reading is holding steady, and I'm excited about my summer reading plans. We'll see if I can actually read all 20 books on my list, but I'm hopeful! I enjoyed most of what I read in May, and was pleased that the book I chose to reread was as good the second time around.

Books Read (click on the title for my review):

The Road to Dalton by Shannon Bowring (4/5)

Devorgilla Days by Kathleen Hart (4/5)

The Women by Kristin Hannah (2/5)

The Hours by Michael Cunningham (4/5) - reread

Movies & TV Series:

The Gentlemen - Odd and violent, yet witty, this Tarantino-esque series was surprisingly good.

Sugar - We enjoyed this series! Unfortunately, I came across a spoiler early on, so be careful and skip all reviews if you want to be surprised. I hope there's going to be a second season. 

Why Didn't They Ask Evans - Entertaining series!

All the Light We Cannot See - I watched this by myself and initially wasn't impressed, but decided to stick with it. The last two episodes redeemed this four-episode mini-series from a complete disappointment, mainly due to the introduction of Hugh Laurie as Uncle Etienne. Nonetheless, the book was much better than this adaptation.


We celebrated two birthdays in May. Rod turned 72 and my mom turned 91!

Doesn't my mom look great?!


My aunt and uncle (Mom's brother) came out for a visit from Durham, N.C. and thankfully, the sun came out for part of their visit.

My brother and sister-in-law were here at the beginning of the month to help celebrate the birthdays, as well. This may be the first time I didn't take any photos while they were here! I did get a shot of this other visitor, however.


We spent the last week of May camping at one of our favorite parks on the Oregon Coast. Nehalem Bay State Park is only two hours from home, which makes it nice for a quick get-away. Our neighbors and camping buddies joined us for three of the four days we were there. Good times!

We missed the aurora borealis at the beginning of the month (I went back inside too early!), but I love this shot of Depoe Bay, which I took earlier that night. 

And, Rachel, who is always in our hearts...

February 17, 1981 to May 28, 2005


  1. Such a beautiful picture of Rachel (big hugs). And, of course happy birthday to Rod and your mom (who looks fantastic and has such a great smile!). We are almost at the end of a Netflix series so will have to look for some of the ones you mentioned. Really enjoy seeing all the photos of your travels and your corner of the world! Here's a great June!

    1. Iliana, that photograph of Rachel is one of my favorites. Rod took it the day after she graduated from ODU (Old Dominion University) in Virginia Beach... two weeks before she died.

      Mom was smiling that evening after receiving a Facetime birthday call from her cousin, Kris Kristofferson! :)

      Thanks for your comments about these monthly posts. I enjoy putting them together.

  2. One of my favorite posts is your monthly roundup! Happy birthday ( belated) you your mom and Rod. Mine was June 2 - I made it to 68, woohoo :-) Bought myslef a book as a treat.

    I am not familiar with Kathleen Hart, will check out that book.

    Rachel's photo captures her beauty. Forever in your hearts xxoo

    1. Thanks, Tina. Happy belated birthday to you, too! I always treat myself to books on my birthday or Christmas.

      Yes, Rachel was a beautiful young woman. Rod took that photo when we were visiting for her college graduation from ODU. She was gone two weeks later. :(

  3. Ah, Les. First of all, Rachel touched all of our hearts and even though I didn't get to meet her in person, I felt like I knew her a bit from that time. Precious picture and my love to all of you as you remember her. And Happy Birthday to both Rod and your Mom! Yes, your Mom looks great! She's pretty amazing! All the shots you took are lovely and glad you two are getting away and having some fun trips. Know you have more planned. We've been working on planning a trip next year with some friends and I may pick your brain a bit in upcoming days regarding suggestions. It's to Yellowstone. We'll talk soon.

    1. Kay, thank you for your loving words about Rachel. Yes, our kids were all growing up around the same time that we met online and in person, so it would feel as if you knew her...

      Yep, Mom (and Rod!) looks great and is doing very well. She is amazing.

      Not sure how much I'll be able to help you with trip plans for Yellowstone, since the majority of our trip will be in and around the Tetons, but I'll be happy to answer any questions to help you with your plans. Sounds like fun!

  4. Your mom does look great! Happy Birthday to Mom and to Rod. Birthdays, travel, friends, beautiful camping areas, and memories--wonderful pictures to add to the album.
    Will have to check out some of your movie and television suggestions.

    1. Thanks, Jenclair. It was a fun-filled month!

  5. I just love your monthly summary posts! They always make me smile. Your mom looks amazing and belated birthday wishes to her and to Rod. It's always fun to see the smiles of your visitors and travel friends, too. Two of your books were 5-star reads for me... loved both The Road to Dalton and The Hours. That is a beautiful photo of Rachel... hugs!

    1. Awww, thank you so much, JoAnn. These monthly posts are fun to look back on, as the years fly by!

  6. Your mom looks wonderful! And your travels and visitor seem like a lot of fun.

    1. Thanks, Helen. Mom is doing great! We had a fun month of traveling and visitors. More folks come here in a couple of weeks, which should be great fun.

  7. It sounds like you will have a wonderful summer! I am glad you ended up enjoying most of what you read this past May. Your mom does look great! Happy belated birthday to her. :-) Thank you for sharing the photos. I love seeing happy faces. Have a great week and month of June!

    1. Wendy, as long as we have some warm, sunny days, I'll be happy. One year, it felt like summer skipped over the Oregon Coast completely! Glad you enjoyed all the photos. I share a lot on Instagram, but like to have a record of them here, too.

  8. Great post! This is loaded with beautiful shots and info. Your Mom is wonderful - and such a reader too. She looks great. And happy belated bday to Rod too. It seems like a perfect time of year there. So much to do right? I really enjoyed The Road to Dalton. And thx for the info on the shows... I thought All the Light We Cannot See -- the novel was so much better but we watched the show as well. Hoping your June is excellent! More company coming?

    1. Thanks so much, Susan. We're getting a little less rain and a few more sunny days now, so maybe we'll actually have a summer this year. We have family (one of my brothers and his whole family) coming for a week on the 22nd, which should be great fun. There will be 12 of us altogether, but they're staying in a nearby VRBO, so we'll have some time to ourselves. Then more relatives coming for a short visit in July. We're hoping to get back out in the RV in early August for a few days... just need to start researching where we might want to go. September will be our BIG trip, so we don't want to venture too far in August.

    2. Sounds like good planning & scheduling. And what a group visit!

  9. What a lovely month you had! Happy birthday to your mom, and, yes, she does look fantastic! I love the camping photos. I would love to go camping but everyone around here is giving me a thumbs down...too hot, they say.

    1. Deb, it was a great month. It's always fun to celebrate Mom's birthday, and we hope to continue for many more years! Ah, camping in Texas wouldn't be my first choice. We did it when we first got our RV and it was VERY hot! But you could venture northwest and try camping somewhere along the Oregon coast. :) It's quite mild here. Today it will reach a high of 55. Maybe consider renting an rv, although this is the busy time of year and campgrounds are already very full.

    2. Our friends here who camp all the time usually spend the summer in Alaska. I bet it would be nice to travel to your part of the world while it's so hot here.

    3. Yes, Oregon temps are very nice from about May to October. How fun for your friends to spend summers in Alaska. I'd love to go someday... when we can allow 3-4 months to travel!


I may not answer your comments in a timely fashion, but I always answer. Check back soon!