July 3, 2024

A Month in Summary - June 2024

Little Whale Cove
Depoe Bay, Oregon
June 2024

Whoohoo! We now have daytime temps in the 60s. This may sound like spring weather to most of you, but trust me, it finally feels like summer to us on the Oregon coast. A few nights ago, we actually ate outside at a restaurant and didn't need sweatshirts. I don't think it's been this nice since last October. Fortunately, the weather was close to perfect last week when my brother and his family came for a week-long visit. I think they enjoyed the mild temps, as they're used to the heat in Escondido and Nashville. 

I managed to get a few books read, but paused one (The Latecomer) and gave up on another (North Woods), so my Summer Reading Challenge isn't going too well. I did have one excellent read, however, and I'm hoping my choices for July are also winners. 

Books Read (click on the title for my review):

A Change of Circumstance by Susan Hill (3/5)

Family Family by Laurie Frankel (3/5)

Meredith, Alone by Claire Alexander (4/5)

Sandwich by Catherine Newman (5/5)

Flying Solo by Linda Holmes (3.5/5)

Movies & TV Series:

The Responder (Season One) - Despite the bleak and depressing premise of this series, we're eager to watch the next season.

Vera (Season 13) - We're all caught up until the final season drops next year. It's been an entertaining program, but I've grown tired of the show.

Dark Matter - I read and loved this book in 2016 (reviewed here). We enjoyed the series, although it was an episode or two too long. I'm hoping that Blake Crouch is busy working another TV series for his book Recursion, which is also outstanding.


My brother's extended family were here last week and we all had a wonderful time! Sure makes me wish we lived closer...

(Respecting a social media-free child.)


  1. One of my favorite posts is your roundup. Love seeing everything going on. I also gave up on North Woods, I tried! I liked Meridith Alone very much and, we already talked about this, The Latecomer.

    I've read Blake Crouch's Dark Matter but didn't know there was a series. Love your weather and am super jealous! Great family photos.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Tina. I kind of love these monthly posts, too. :)

      Good to know that I'm not the only one who struggled with North Woods. I hate to give up on a book group selection, but I just couldn't get into that book. We'll see if I gravitate back to The Latecomer...

  2. I was curious what you thought of North Woods. I wished I had given up on it. I did not love Sandwich as much as you did. I loved the interaction between Rocky and her parents but found Wren annoying.

    We love Vera too. I will be sad to see it end.

    Lovely pictures with your family.

    1. Sharon, thanks for validating my decision to give up on North Woods. Sorry you didn't care for Sandwich as much as I did. I guess we can't all love the same books... I'll be sad to see Vera come to and end, but it was a LONG series! I'm sure she's ready to bring it to an end.

  3. Your visit with family looks wonderful; how fun that you all managed to get together!

    1. Helen, it was such a good visit with my brother and extended family. We're hoping to head down to San Diego for my nephew's wedding in late October, so we'll see everyone again. Yay!!

  4. First of all, what wonderful pictures! Loved the sweet shots of your family, especially the one of your mother and kiddo (great-grand?). Love your new header and the great pictures of your area. Wish we were back in that region this year, but we can't go every year. As to your reading, I have Northwoods on my Kindle, but is it the one by Amy Pease or Daniel Mason? I have the one by Pease. I also have Sandwich and The Latecomer - all are unread. We'll see how they work for me when the time comes. In your viewing, I'm also caught up with Vera. I'm sad that there will only be one more season, but Brenda Blethyn would not be replaceable and if there is no Vera - then what? Ha! I have read Dark Matter a few years ago and maybe read it more than once. Didn't know there was a TV adaptation. Might try it eventually. Hope you guys have a nice 4th today. :-)

    1. Thank you, Kay! Yes, that's one of Mom's great-grandsons. They are all sweet little boys! The North Woods book is the one by Daniel Mason. I looked up the one by Amy Pease and that one sounds great! I agree that Brenda Blethyn is irreplaceable, and while I'm sad that there's only one more season, I think I'm ready to move on and watch other shows.

      Happy 4th!

  5. Wonderful family pics and also of the coast, Wow! Summer has arrived. So beautiful there. Glad you all had a good time & visit. Looks like fun. You've convinced me that I should get to the novel Sandwich soon. And thanks for letting me know Rod's book is out in November. I ran out of room to comment again on my site, but we're excited to see it. I'm thinking of substituting some on my summer list ... as some are a bit too heavy for summer. Happy reading in July.

    1. Yes, summer has arrived! This is the best time of year on the coast. Last year (as you know), we were in Canada, which was great, but it's also nice to be home. I hiked yesterday, so it almost felt like we were on vacation! Oh, do get Sandwich. It's such a great novel and I'm looking forward to reading it a second time later this year. Cheers!

  6. I'd be happy if the temperatures would dip into the sixties or even the low seventies at night during the summer, but that's just not the way it is here.

    I love seeing all the family photos!

    1. Deb, we are so fortunate to have so many visitors. We had a great time with my brother and his family.

      I feel for everyone who is suffering from the hot summer temps! I hope you stay safe from Hurricane Beryl!

  7. I was thinking your temps sound more like winter. Haha! I am glad your weather has been so nice. The advantage to living on the coast. :-) I enjoy seeing your family photos. Everyone looks so happy! My life is so quiet in comparison. LOL My mom is making another trip north to Sacramento in a couple days to visit my brother and friends there. She'll be going back again in August for my aunt and uncle's anniversary. I love that she's so active, but I do worry about her traveling alone. Her health isn't what it used to be. I hope you have a wonderful week and month of July! May you read many wonderful books!

    1. Our temps are a bit cool! More like spring than winter, though. We did get up to 70 for a few days, which was lovely. Back down to the upper 50s now. That's great that your mom is traveling, but I understand your concern. Is she flying? How old is she? My mom has stopped traveling and just this year has given up driving. It's good that she made that decision rather than one of us pressuring her to stop, but I'm sure it's hard to give up that independence. Driving in our area, which is very touristy in the summer, is not easy for even a skilled driver. You really have to be alert to all kinds of stupidity. ;)

      Have a good month!


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