August 1, 2024

A Month in Summary - July 2024

Cascade Head
Siuslaw National Forest, Oregon
July 4, 2024

Summer feels so short here on the Oregon coast, and as we flip the page on the calendar, it's hard to imagine that our sunny, warm-ish weather will be gone in just a few more months. I know several of my friends in Texas, Nebraska and on the East Coast are eager for autumn, but I'm still basking in the rain-free, blue skies and would be happy if summer would stretch out until November!

I had a pretty good reading month with several enjoyable novels and only one dud in the bunch. I'm not making a very big dent in my stacks for the Summer Reading Challenge since I found a couple of books at the library that I couldn't pass up. Once I finish those, I plan to focus on the shorter books that I chose for the challenge in order to clear them off my shelf before we head out on our RV trip in September. I'd rather take a couple of big books on that trip since I know I won't have a lot of time to read more than one or two.

Books Read (click on the title for my review):

Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys (4.5/5)

After Annie by Anna Quindlen (4/5)

The House in the Pines by Ana Reyes (2/5) 

The Bird Hotel by Joyce Maynard (4.5/5)

Movies & TV Series:

The Lincoln Lawyer (Season One) - We're now into season two and are enjoying this show. It's lighter than our usual fare, but a nice palate cleanser from some of the darker shows we've watched this year.

Presumed Innocent - Wow! This was so good. Kept me guessing the entire time.

Presumed Innocent - I watched this movie when it first came out (1990), but had forgotten so much, particularly the ending. It's very dated, but fun to see the 80s fashion and hair styles, in addition to comparing it to the new series.

Your Honor (Season One)
- Holy smokes! This is one of the best shows I've watched in a long time! The acting is powerful, and the finale to the first season had me shocked in disbelief. Glad I had no idea what was coming.


I've started hiking with a friend and am loving it. The hikes aren't super long, but the elevation gains are challenging and we're looking forward to continuing on a weekly basis (weather permitting!). I shot so many photos on each of the hikes, that I've decided to post separate photo essays for each. Stay tuned!

Cascade Head
Siuslaw National Forest, Oregon
July 4, 2024

Cascade Head
Siuslaw National Forest, Oregon
July 4, 2024

St. Perpetua Trail
Cape Perpetua
Siuslaw National Forest, Oregon
July 14, 2024


  1. Pretty photos from Siuslaw. And the water looks refreshing. We're in the 90s this week which is hot for Alberta. Looks like you had a good July. I think we still have a couple of episodes to watch of Presumed Innocent. We got caught up in the Olympics so we haven't gone back to it yet. We liked the Cranston series ... though Season 1 was better than 2 I think. Enjoy your hikes and happy August.

    1. Thanks, Susan. We went on another hike yesterday (in an old growth forest, after a warm-up hike on the beach) and I kept remarking how lucky we are to live in such a gorgeous area. It wasn't hot (low 60s), but the humidity is high. I agree about Your Honor's second season. I'm still watching, but it's not as compelling. Hope you get some cooler weather soon!

  2. Love this post...and all your roundup posts actually. Stunningly beautiful scenery of the Oregon hiking, wow! Nice list of books too. Same thing happens to me when I have a list of titles I plan to read - a library book will arrive early and I just can't pass it up. Maybe I need a Fal reading list to focus on as well.

    I have heard good things about Your Honor and pretty much anything with Bryan Canston works for me.

    1. Thanks so much, Tina! Yes, we live in a gorgeous place where the hiking is stunning. You should give Your Honor a try. The first season is gripping!

  3. The hikes look fantastic, what beautiful scenery (and the hikers are looking good, too!). It feels so good to have a great month of reading. Mine have been just ok and I really am yearning for a fantastic read.

    1. I'm loving my summertime hikes! We live in such a beautiful place and this is the first time I've done hiking on a regular basis during the summer. Nice to have a hiking buddy! I hope you find a great read soon.

  4. Your hikes sound like so much fun... and the photos are gorgeous! My walks have gotten much shorter since my knees started complaining, but at least they're happening again. Hope to build up the distance as the weather cools this fall.

    1. Thanks, JoAnn. I'm having so much fun hiking with my friend. We're ready to try a more challenging hike later this month, which should give us some good views of the surrounding mountain peaks. I'm sorry your knees have been bothering you. I had trouble with mine for a while. Not sure if yoga has helped that situation or not, but I don't seem to have too much trouble now. Hope your island isn't going to have more damage with the new hurricane!!


I may not answer your comments in a timely fashion, but I always answer. Check back soon!