September 27, 2024

Tunnel Mountain Trailer Court - Day One

Disclaimer: I am finally posting about our trip to Canada, while we are currently on a trip to Wyoming. Many of these photos were shared on Instagram & Facebook, so they may look familiar to you. Sorry for any confusion!

Canada Road Trip (Summer 2023)
June 11-15, 2023
Canmore to Banff, Alberta, Canada
Daily Mileage: 22
Site: A712
Duration: 4 nights
Cost: $55/night
Weather: Sun & rain (70-80, but down to 40 in a.m.)
Cell Coverage: 1-2 bars Verizon & 1 bar TMobile

Day One

We woke to thunder and light rain. After breaking camp, Rod and I drove into Canmore to do some grocery shopping, followed by visits to the music store (Rooster Accoustics) and book store (Cafe Books). From there, it was a short drive up to Banff, where we settled into our new campsite in Tunnel Mountain Trailer Court. We wandered around the campground before dinner. We could hear a train in the distance, but only occasionally and it wasn't loud. No road noise to speak of either. The campground is very large, but laid out nicely so neighbors aren't next to one another, but rather nose-to-tail with plenty of space between each site. 

Policeman's Creek, Canmore

Cafe Books

Roosters Accoustics

Tunnel Mountain Trailer Court

Very convenient!

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