September 14, 2024

White Raven Winery (Columbia Falls, Montana)

Disclaimer: I am finally posting about our trip to Canada, while we are currently on a trip to Wyoming. Many of these photos were shared on Instagram & Facebook, so they may look familiar to you. Sorry for any confusion!

Canada Road Trip (Summer 2023)
June 3, 2023
Troy to Columbia Falls, Montana
Daily Mileage: 131
Site: Boondocking
Duration: 1 night
Cost: Free (Harvest Host)
Weather: Sunny (70s)
Cell Coverage: 1-2 bars Verizon & TMobile
WiFi: Free

Very nice Harvest Host stay near Glacier National Park. A good view of the mountains, but also a junky area of the neighbor's property to the west. I enjoyed the wine tasting with Lou & Shannon, and wound up buying a couple of bottles, as well as some goat milk ice cream, which pairs nicely with the wines. My favorite wine was the 2021 Kokanee Blend, which was excellent!

Got dinner at the food truck, which was unremarkable. 

Some road noise in the middle of the night.

Dan Murphy, Owner


  1. Nice. I love your tour posts & the photos. I need to catch up. Seems a pretty relaxing place. I haven't had goat milk ice cream ... does that taste different? Keep rolling ...

    1. Thanks, Susan. Some of these posts are pretty brief in text, but full of photos. I'm glad you're enjoying them. This spot was pretty relaxing for the afternoon and evening that we were there. We really like boondocking at Harvest Host locations. As far as the goat milk ice cream, I couldn't really tell the difference from regular milk. Maybe a little less creamy?


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